Page 19 of Carved in Scars

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“Yeah, well, too fucking bad. You guys were friends.Best friends.It’s unfair what they’ve done to you and your reputation…”

“My reputation?” I scoff. “Is shit. And honestly, they had very little to do with that. Anyway, I can’t be mad at Darci’s mom. How could I?”

“Maybe they’ll finally find that guy she was dating now,” Morgan says.

“How is it you guys don’t know more about this mother fucker?” Trevor asks.

“I think she made him up,” Audrey says. “I always thought so—ever since the first time she brought him up sophomore year.”

“Why would she do that?” Morgan asks.

“Because she was jealous,” she says. “She was the last one to lose her virginity, and so she—”

“Would you stop?” I interject. “That’s ridiculous.”

“And she’s dead, Audrey,” Morgan adds. “You can’t talk about her like that.”

The bell rings, and we gather our things and head back to the lockers. Trevor follows me to mine and waits to walk to the math wing with me.

“You’re quiet today.”


“Are you sure you’re okay? With him being here? Are youscared?”

“No, I’m not scared. I don’t want to talk about Devon, okay? Ever.”

“Okay, fine. But if you do want to talk…”

“Then I’ll get a fucking therapist,” I snap.

“Relax. I’m just trying to help.”

“I don’t need any help, Trevor.”

He shakes his head in resignation and says nothing.

We’re some of the last people to leave the hall, and when we turn the corner, Trevor reaches for my hand and laces our fingers together. It feels…unnatural, like cockroaches crawling up my arms. I casually remove my hand from his grip, pretending to need to adjust the bag on my shoulder.

“I can carry that for you if you want,” he says.

“No,” I tell him. “I’ve got it.”

He grabs my free hand again, and I let him, inwardly cringing, thankful that his classroom is the next one.

“See you later, Ally.”

The bell rings as he leaves me there in the hall, indicating I’m late again. It’s hard to care when it’s a class I’m failing, especially when I won’t be here to see it through.

I’m lost somewhere in those thoughts when a hand grabs me by my forearm and jerks me into an empty classroom.

“Devon? Devon, stop! You’rehurtingme. What are you doing?” I protest, trying to break free of his grip. He says nothing, dragging me through the dark room to an industrial-sized papercutter. He lifts the blade and holds my hand flat against the cutting mat, the blade aligned at my wrist.

“Trevor!?” he shouts at me through clenched teeth. “Trevor!? Are you fucking kidding me, Allyson?”

“No,” I tell him. “No, there’s nothing going on, I promise. I never touched him or anyone else. I—”

“You’re lying! God, do you ever stop fucking lying?”
