Page 76 of Carved in Scars

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She fills a cup and then sits on a barstool.

“Are you going to join us for church, too?”

I grab two more cups, filling one for me and then for Ally before I answer. “No, I just woke up hungry. I was going to make something—unless you guys were planning on cooking.”

“I was going to fry up that bacon and some eggs,” my dad says. “Darci up yet?”

“Darci’s not here,” I tell them.

“What?” her mom asks. “Well, then, where is she?”

“I don’t know. She was here when I went to bed, but Ally said she was gone when she woke up, and she hasn’t seen her. I texted her, but wherever she is, she’s probably asleep. Audrey and Morgan were over here, so I’m sure she probably left with one of them.”

“Well, why would she leave Ally here alone? She shouldn’t have done that,” Lydia says, shaking her head. “I’ll go get my phone—see if she has sent a text or anything. Then, I guess I’ll start calling the girls’ moms.”

“This your fault?” my dad asks when she leaves the room. “Did she leave because you two got into it over that girl?”

“No…I don’t think so.”

He shakes his head.

“It wasn’t because of me,” I say, but my eyes dart to the knife, and I’m not so sure. “I’m going to takethis to Allyson.”

I walk back into the living room, hand Ally her coffee, and sit down on the chair next to her.

“Thank you.”

She smiles at me, then takes a drink. I look over at the TV and see she’s settled on one of those HGTV shows—in this one, they’re looking for bargain cabins.

“We’re going to find you a place like that,” I tell her quietly. “A place in the woods where no one will be able to find you except for me. And then I’m going to fuck you in every single room, and we’re going to be as loud as we want. And you’ll just be naked—all the time.”

She laughs. “Okay.”

“I’m one hundred percent serious. No clothes ever, Ally.”

“I want a dog, too,” she says. “I’ve never had a pet. I think I would feel better being out there alone if I had a dog.”

“I’ll get you a dog. I’ll get you seventeen dogs if that’s what you want.”

“That seems a little excessive,” she says, laughing again quietly. “And irresponsible. I should probably just start with one and go from there.”

“Well, that’s weird,” Lydia says, making her way back over to the kitchen. “Both Morgan and Audrey haven’t seen her since last night, and Darci’s phone is going straight to voicemail. I’m starting to get worried; what do you think we should do, Jeff?”

My dad groans and walks toward us.

“You two—what the hell happened here last night? Where’s your sister?”

“Dad, we really don’t know where she is.”

“I’m about ten minutes away from calling the police, so if youdoknow something, now is the time to speak up.”

“I’m sure she’s fine; she’s just a shitty friend. But go ahead and call them if that will make you feel better.”

“Well, when did you last see her?”

“Um, I saw her last,” Ally says. “It was a little after midnight. But there were still other people here when I went to sleep.”

“Other people? How many people?”

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