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Once we were in the foyer, facing a grand staircase, another person came into view. One that looked almost exactly like Asher, but there was something about the eyes—something that was more…careful.

“Asher, why is there another Asher?” I asked.

The man came forward and took my hand in his. He kissed the back of it before Bishop slapped him in the back of the head. “Back off, Blaze. This isn’t the academy, and she’s not one of your conquests.”

“Shut it, Bishop. It was only a friendly greeting.”

“Blaze?” I asked. “Blaze and Asher—twins?” I felt like a human again, asking all the silly questions.

The darker-haired twin looked up at me and winked. “That’s me. You must be the famous Valentina. We’ve heard whispers of you at the academy.”

“You go to our academy?” I asked. Surely I would’ve known if Asher’s clone went to the same school as us.

“Not the good Urban Academy. The one where the rejects go. The Urban Rehabilitation Academy. It’s for those of us who aren’t squeaky clean like my brother here.”

There was something else in his tone. Like he was spouting words on a brochure instead of how he really felt.

My mates and I had our own quarters. So did Jeremy and Tess, along with Asher and Onyx and Raven. We each had suites with our own bathrooms, and it was mentioned that the rooms were soundproof since this family was a product of a little harem of their own. They knew how it was with mates and loud noises—especially shifters.

That night, we gathered around a bonfire and were served drinks and made s’mores. I walked away a bit to stare at the night sky and reflect on all that had happened to us. The way we first met each other. The way I foolishly thought I was human for so long. The deaths that Dean left in his wake, including my parents.

But all of that had led me to my mates and my chosen family. Everyone here and even Erik were my family now. Josephine, too. She mocked us for missing New Year’s Eve, saying that night had the best tips of all, but no money would come close to spending this night with the people I loved.

A set of arms wrapped around my waist from behind. Fox. He always found me in the middle of my pensiveness. “What are you thinking about?” he whispered in my ear.

“About us. About everything that’s happened. About how grateful I am to be here with my family. All of us.”

“That’s strange. I was thinking the same thing,” he laughed, making me shiver.

“You were?”

He nodded against my shoulder. “Absolutely. But this year there’s only us. No threats. No villain in the distance. Just the future.”

“Do you ever regret finding me? I can be a handful, and the Dean thing was baggage I didn’t even know I was carrying. I can be demanding and a pain in the ass and…”

Fox turned me around, and I found myself facing not only him but Storm and Bishop as well. “We will never regret you in a million years, Valentina. Never. Even if the world comes after us, it will all be worth it for the love we’ve found in you and you in us. I don’t ever want you to think that anything that’s happened to us changed our love and desire for you. You will always be our first priority, the first thing we think of in the morning, the sun on our rainy days. You have our love forever, mate.”

I hugged each of them as my sobs stole the words from my mouth. They knew I loved them. They knew that I felt the same.

While I opened my mouth to tell them, fireworks went off above us.

“Happy New Year’s, Valentina,” Bishop said and hugged me, making me swoon.

“Another year to love you,” Storm said and kissed the hell out of me.

“A new beginning, my love,” Fox said and wrapped me up in his embrace.

One thing was clear…I would love these three men forever. I had finally found home.
