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All pretense fell away, and they were on their feet. Suddenly, I was surrounded by three very tall orcs, who were focused on me in a way that should have been frightening, but somehow wasn’t. They moved in, a scent of spice and forest twining around me until I swayed on my feet, dizzy with the essence of all three of them. Aroused. Their scents were a much stronger version of what I normally enjoyed just as a background. If I’d thought about it at all, I’d have considered it the scent of the house, but now, with their heat bearing down on me, I knew it had nothing to do with household cleaners or anything like that.

This was 100 percent orc, and, more than that, aroused orc. For a fraction of a second, a frisson of panic curled in my belly. What should I do? Then, that was gone because if I didn’t know, it seemed they did. Saber stroked my hair, Draven curled an arm around me, and Menace, well, he hung back but when we ended up at my room, he was right there with the others.

“May we undress you?” Draven asked so politely, I giggled. “Is that a yes?”

I went up on tiptoe and looped my arms around his neck. “It’s a please. You don’t need permission, and I am trusting you three to know how to make this work. I don’t…at all.” I wasn’t a virgin, but my very limited experience was with one human guy, not much larger than me. “So, please.”

They took me at my word. Within seconds, I was completely disrobed and lying on the bed, quivering under their gaze. All three of them proceeded to take their clothes off as well, in no hurry and giving me plenty of time to enjoy what they revealed. While their skin color was green, the bodies it covered were very similar to someone who might grace the cover of a men’s fitness magazine. Muscles I longed to touch, six-packs, thighs like tree trunks. But one thing besides the color of their skin that was different was the size of the male organs jutting toward me. Theywanted me to bear their children, but that meant they would have to be inside me—and I just didn’t see how they might fit.

But I was very willing to try.

Naked, they joined me on the bed. It was huge, but we were still a tight fit. Saber kissed me and lifted me up to straddle his torso, making more room. The tip of his penis tapped my tailbone, and I quivered.

“You okay, Ilya?” Draven, sitting on my right, trailed a finger over my shoulder and traced a circle around my erect nipple. “I know we’re a lot.”

“You’re more than that.” I swallowed hard. “But you’re magnificent, all of you.”

“No, you are.” Saber reached for the other breast. “And we’re so lucky you chose us.”

I melted under their touch, relaxing as they caressed and stroked me, leaning from one to the other for kisses and nibbles. Saber pulled me down for a kiss, his cock sliding between my legs in the process. “Are you ready for me, Ilya?”

“I don’t know.”

Draven reached between my legs, petting and touching me in the most sensitive of places until I ground against his hand and Saber’s cock. “I think she’s ready now. So wet for us, mate.”

I nodded, beyond words, as ready as I ever would be.Please let him fit.If he didn’t, if they didn’t, how could we have the family we planned? They worked hard and took care of me and at the moment were driving me wild with their lips and teeth and hands in places I had no idea were erogenous at all. But only I had the ability to host a growing baby, and they had to get inside me for that to happen.

The very idea made me hotter, and I brought my knees up on either side of Saber’s hips, widening my stance in the hopes of making more room. If I wasn’t so incredibly turned on, I’dhave been terrified when the large, broad head prodded at my opening.

“You can be in control, Ilya. You’re on top, so you can handle how fast or slow this goes.” Saber was panting. “But don’t take too long or I may die.”

The idea of being in control…power surged through me. These men, so much bigger and stronger than me…and I was going to set the pace. The confidence of that had me sitting up straight, rising on my knees, and reaching between my legs to position Saber’s cock correctly. He was big, and it was a stretch, but little by little, I managed to fit him into me. If he’d been a millimeter larger in girth, it wouldn’t have worked. But the feeling… I’d never experienced anything like it. When my orgasm overcame me, he clasped my hips and moved me up and down with such tenderness, my heart broke with it.

Each of them made love to me in a different way. After Saber came inside me, Dravin eased me off and laid me down. I expected him to plunge inside, but instead, he kissed his way down my body, burying his face between my legs and licking and sucking me to the brink of another orgasm before he knelt up and placed the tip of his cock at my entrance. I was wetter than ever in life and stretched out enough that he fit a bit easier, sending me over the edge with the first drive inside. Menace took his place and while he was wilder and faster, he was anything but brutal.

Then they curled around me and I fell asleep feeling safer and more loved…but no, not loved. Cared for. Secure. Safe. It had to be enough.

Chapter Twenty


When I woke up, it was in my mate’s bed. Somewhere in the tangling of all of us, we’d made our way to her suite. Maybe we thought she would be more comfortable in her own room. Her bed was bigger. There was nothing about the night before that had anything to do with logic or sense. We’d followed our instincts and let our mate lead the way.

Draven’s soft snores came in waves from across the mattress. Ilya lay over me, her cheek against my bare stomach. Her leg thrown over my thigh. Draven had his face between her head and her neck, probably so he could scent her the entire night.

Menace was missing, and I didn’t know why, but it doesn’t surprise me.

“Too early,” Ilya grumbled and moved to hide her face in the pillow. Draven was usually one of the first ones up but, he repositioned himself when she did and soon drifted back into a deep slumber.

Once I was fully awake, I sat on the edge of the bed and immediately noticed the changes in me. A sticky sweet scent wafted from my skin that resembled Ilya’s, all caramel and brown sugar syrup but in addition, there was a layer of smoke and ash.

My nostrils flared, trying to inhale more of it when it dawned on me.

This was the mating scent. It was a scent that emanated from an orc’s pores once he had found his mate, a confirmation of sorts.

It was coming from me and Draven as well. The thick blanket of it was all around us. Inside me. Embedded and buried within my cells.

I knew something more was happening last night when I looked into our female’s lusty, hooded stare. Those brown eyes peered right into my heart as she climaxed again and again. Our lovemaking wasn’t some chance meeting of four people who happened to like each other. While I’d always secretly hoped for our fated mate, I never in a million years thought she would be here, writhing beneath us, making us love her, body and soul.
