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I stroked myself with those images in mind and soon was spilling my cum onto the sheets with a low growl on my lips.

Damn it. There had to be a way to bring a female here. One who wouldn’t mind the callous nature of us. One who would provide us children and warmth in our beds. We would take care of her; all of her needs would be handled.

Someone was out there for us. At least, that was my hope.

Chapter Three


He was selling it all. Had, in fact, already found a buyer for the warehouse as well as the storefront. The new owners wanted to take possession as soon as possible, and that meant I needed to get myself in gear and find somewhere else to live. As my brother had so kindly suggested.

The house wasn’t sold yet, but it was on the market, and it would be gone soon, too. Which was why I was currently parked in the driveway and crying. So much crying. I had been so anxious to get out of this house and “on my own.” I even paid rent for the apartment over the storefront because I had insisted on independence. Andy had never left the house, so why he was so anxious to sell it, I had no idea. It wasn’t a mini mansion or anything. Just a standard tract house with some upgrades. Mom and Dad loved their business and were not into luxuries, so they refused to buy something bigger.

I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that everything that related to my past would soon be gone. I was still going into the office every day and doing my job, but rumor had it the buyer would be putting in their own staff and many would be let go. Starting with me, I had no doubt. But I was more troubled by the others who would lose their jobs. Friends of my parents, people who had been with them since the very start and who would now have to find a new way to make a living.

“Look at you sitting here sniveling,” a voice sneered from beside the car. “After what they did to you?”

“It’s not what they did, Andy,” I said. “Or at least not right now. I was prepared to accept the fact that they gave you everything. Maybe they saw something in you I don’t. Theythought you could continue on with the business—Dad did anyway.”

“Their dynasty.” He shook his head. “It was all that mattered to them.”

“That’s not true. They loved us. And their friends and their employees mattered to them. Why are you so determined to undermine everything they spent all their lives creating and nurturing?”

“Including their precious daughter, I suppose?” His face was shadowed by the streetlight behind him, but his tone and body language said it all. I’d misunderstood my older brother all this time. Sure, he hadn’t paid much attention to me, but we had a fairly big age difference. Most of my friends didn’t have much of a relationship with siblings that far apart. And once I was working at the plant and the storefront, I grew to believe he was lazy. Self-absorbed. Thus, the huge shock when my parents put him in charge.

But I never for a moment considered he would do what he had. Fire me? Sure. Run the place into the ground? Likely. But sell it off—the large corporation who had been trying to buy it from our parents for nearly five years?

The ultimate betrayal.

No point in mentioning that to my brother though. He hadn’t asked my opinion on any of his decisions, nor had he left any way for me to help those who would be hurt by whatever vendetta he was engaging in. I had savings, but they wouldn’t last long, and I was going to have to rebuild my life from the ground up.

“You really hated them, didn’t you?”

“Well, of course you wouldn’t. They were always talking about what a great success you were. What a big help at work. How much everyone liked you.”

“Well, I tried to do a good job—”

“And me? Nag. Nag. Nag. Get in on time, get up before nine, follow up with the customers… Nothing was good enough.”

Mostly because nothing was what he did.

“So, what? You think you’re some sort of super villain? Dismantling brick by brick what our parents built? Out of jealousy for me? You’re aware I worked full days, right? And other times when needed? It was all they could do to get you to work a few hours at a time. Even when you showed up, you were still phoning it in.”

“And yet it’s all mine to do with as I please.”

He wasn’t wrong. “They would be so ashamed of what you’re doing.”

“Be that as it may. They aren’t here.”

I stared through the windshield at the house where I thought we’d been so happy. Had Dad been aware of how Andy felt? And he still didn’t change his will? Knowing my father, he thought thrusting his responsibility on his only son would make him grow up and shoulder it.

But it hadn’t. It had only put him in a position to pull all the money out of it and then, what? Curious, I asked. “What are you going to do with all the money, Andy? Open another business?”

He actually shuddered. “None of your business. Just be sure and get out of that apartment before closing so the new owners don’t have to have you evicted. I understand they won’t do it nicely.”

Geez. “Nice way to take care of your little sister, Andy.” Without waiting for him to respond, I backed out of the driveway. I’d never come to see the house again. It would hurt too much. For now, I had packing to do.

Chapter Four
