Page 145 of Goodbye Girl

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“I don’t know. Sit tight.”

The call ended. Andie slapped the steering wheel in frustration. “Sit tight? Seriously?”

“Worst case, we can call in MDPD’s SWAT,” said Grace.

The idea had some appeal. Andie had worked with them before. But before taking that step, she wanted a clearer picture of the situation.

“Try the Kingfish,” she said. “Let’s see if we get a signal from the house.”

The Kingfish operated like a Stingray, but it was handheld and could literally pinpoint a cellphone to a specific room. Grace switched on the device, and in a minute the results flashed on the screen.

“Two cellphones are pulsing,” Grace said, and she stated the first number.

“That’s Imani’s phone,” said Andie, recognizing it from the Dallas cellphone record data.

Grace read the second number aloud, and Andie’s heart skipped a beat.

“That’s Jack’s cell,” she said. Andie immediately opened the car door, but Grace reached across the console and grabbed her by the arm, stopping her.

“We have to wait for SWAT.”

“That’s my husband in there, Grace. You can sit here by yourself and wait for SWAT or you can back me up. What’s it gonna be?”

They locked eyes for a moment in the shadows.

“I’m not going to break down the front door like a one-woman SWAT team,” said Andie. “We make one pass around the house, check things out. And then we call the team. Deal?”

Grace was thinking it over. “Deal,” she said finally.

They did a quick firearms check and then climbed out of the car, careful to close the doors without making a sound. Andie quietly popped the trunk, and they put on their Kevlar protective gear, each checking the other to leave no room for error.

“Ready?” asked Andie.

“Ready,” said Grace.

Andie had been straight with her partner about her intentions, but the two agents had worked together so long that they both understood the reality.

The “deal” could change at any moment.

“Let’s do it.”

Chapter 62

Jack placed his hands behind his back, as the pirate killer directed. Imani’s search of the kitchen junk drawer had turned up a six-foot extension cord.

“Tie it nice and tight,” said Amongus.

Imani complied. Amongus checked her work, yanking the cord so hard that it nearly broke the skin on Jack’s wrists.

“Good to go,” said Amongus.

“Go where?” asked Jack. “Walk the plank?”

Amongus slapped the side of Jack’s head with the butt of his pistol. A trickle of blood ran toward the corner of his eye.

“Just leave him here,” said Imani. “He has a kid. You don’t have to kill him.”

“If we leave him here, the police will know you’re helping me.”
