Page 1 of Monster’s Magic

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Pain.It surrounds me, all through me, everywhere. Its constant vibration in my body makes me think it’s in rhythm with my heartbeat. Maybe it is. Maybe it’s not. Who the hell knows.

The sound of sirens fills my ears and as I begin to flutter my eyelids open, one of them refuses to cooperate. I reach up and find some sort of goo that’s still drying, caked across my face. Bringing my hand back down, I gasp, realizing it’s my own blood.

I pry my eye open and look around my surroundings. The last thing I remember was laughing at a joke my father told. My mother shook her head and chuckled. He was driving and he glanced in the rearview mirror at me with a wink.

I grinned back at him.

Then everything went out of proportion. I didn’t understand, I couldn’t understand what was happening.

“She’s awake,” came a male’s voice to my side of our car. “Ma’am, can you hear me?”

Slowly, I nod my head and try to lean forward.

“No broken neck or back. Get the jaws of life!”

The jaws of what?

Why would my anything be broken?

What about my parents?

I bring my left arm forward since my right was somehow trapped in the seatbelt, and it wouldn’t budge. I could feel my mother’s head, and her neck, but something was wrong. She felt… wrong.

I couldn’t describe it. It’s as if,shewas no longer in her body.

“Mom? Can you hear me?” I try calling out to her, but it’s of no use.

Lord, please let her be knocked out and be okay.

Please, please, let her be safe.

I could not see where my dad was in the driver’s seat. Whoever hit our vehicle slammed into the driver’s side and we ended up in oncoming traffic… or so say the people I can hear outside.

If I can’t see my father, was he thrown from the car or rescued?

Is he safe?

The sounds of metal being cut fills the air and a young man in a firefighter’s suit leans into the now empty space.

“Hello. My name is Eric. I’m going to cut things around you to get you loose. Bear with me, we’re almost done.”

Eric seems to be in his early twenties; super young to be on a scene like this. Then again, maybe this was the norm for them.

What the fuck did I know?

“Hey, umm, Eric,” I ask.

He meets my gaze for a quick moment, then is back to cutting. “Yeah?”

“Have you seen my dad? He’s not in the car and I don’t hear him or see him.” I nibble on my bottom lip then hiss, finding a wound.

“Let’s get you out of this mess before we talk about your family,” he answers.

“No, I need to know, now, please,” I beg. I can feel panic begin to rise. My parents are all I have in this world. I was adopted as an infant with no information about my birth parents. I have no brothers or sisters, and my parents are both only children in their families… who all have passed on.

I cannot be alone in this fucking world.
