Page 24 of Monster’s Magic

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I let a long, unknowing sigh. “Consider me scared of your dick.”

He chuckles.

“I don’t find this funny,” I snap back.

“I’m not laughing at you, it’s just the choice of words.”

“Oh, and ‘trust the process’ is any different?” I shake my head.

He grabs my hand and wraps it around his cock. “Stroke me.”

“What?” The word comes out as a whisper. Shock must be evident on my face because I’m feeling it right now.

“You heard me. Stroke me. You’ll see how I feel.”

This looks like I’m stroking a thick ass rose vine.

I close my eyes, willing my palm and fingers to not bleed too much. My hand is somewhat in the middle, so I pull toward the tip of his head. The barbs feel like rubber along my skin. Opening my eyes, I push down to the base and it feels the same. I do this a few more times and began to smile.

Shayde, on the other hand, groans. “Fuck yes.”

“Oh,” I whisper. “You like that?”

“I like that you’re no longer scared of my dick,” he answers, and opens one crimson eye, humor lacing his features.

I smirk. “Come here.” I release his cock and lie back down.

Shayde places a hand on either side of my shoulders and his knees are at the base of my thighs. “Are you sure about this? You can still say no at any time.”

I touch his cheeks with both hands. This monstrous beast, who would frighten the bravest of men, is nothing more than a gentle giant. “I’m ready.”

He nods and reaches down between us, lines up his cock, and pushes. The barbs on his cock feel like soft rubber ends of a sex toy as they stroke the inside of my pussy. He pulls back and gently pushes back in. “Let me know if this is too much and I’ll go easy.”

I nod and slide my arms underneath his, holding onto his back. “Take it slow for now, please.”

With each ebb and flow of his thrusting, it almost feels as though the spikes manage to aid in pleasure.


I’m not sure, but I haven’t had that much experience in the sex department, either.

Lubrication, maybe?

“I’m curious, and I hope it’s okay to ask. What do the thorns on your cock do,” I inquire. “Are they pleasure for you? For me? For both?”

He pauses mid-push and looks into my eyes. “The fact you can casually ask me that tells me it doesn’t hurt.”

I grin. “Guilty. But I’m curious.”

“They excrete pheromones from me to mark you as my mate. So, any other beast who attempts to mate with you will smell my scent and back the fuck off immediately.”

My eyes widen. “So… you’re marking me? As yours?”

He grins a sinister smirk and lowers his face so close to mine, I can feel his words on his breath when he speaks. “Mine.” He thrusts hard with the word, filling me completely.

“Oh God,” I exclaim and my fingertips bury into his back.

“Yes,” he answers. “You. Are. Mine!” He drives with more force on each word.
