Page 53 of Monster’s Magic

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My final person of interest is with an elder to the Nagi community. The female is half woman, half serpent, and her eyes are completely onyx in color. She smiles and offers her hand, and I notice her nails are black tips of steel. “Sabine Chardin, a healer with a gentle touch and a compassionate heart.” Sabine’s tongue flickers out and she winks with a bit of humor in her grin.

Sharp claws with a gentle touch do not seem to fit her nature, but who am I to judge?

She’s also related to Cazimir, Shayde’s best friend. If he vouches for her, then she must be golden.

I turn back to Declan and place a reassuring hand on his arm, meeting his gaze with conviction. “Declan, I trust you. You have proven your loyalty and strength time and time again. You possess qualities that go beyond necromancy. Your strategic mind, your unwavering dedication, and your ability to inspire others make you the perfect choice to lead in my absence.”

His eyes search mine, seeking confirmation. I continue, my voice steady and resolute. “I have chosen you because I believe in your capabilities, not just as a warrior, but as a leader. You will have the support of Briley, Gisele, Tiphaine, and Sabine. Together, you will guide our people with wisdom and strength.”

Declan’s expression softens, and a hint of determination seeps into his eyes. He nods, accepting the weighty responsibility I have placed upon him. “I will do my best, for you and our people,” he vows, his voice full with newfound determination.

Whispers ripple through the room as the chosen ones step forward, acknowledging their newfound roles. The weight on my shoulders begins to ease as I realize that I am not alone in this journey. I have entrusted the future of our kind to capable hands.

But there is one more person who will stand by my side when I take my reign. My best friend and fellow necromancer, Evie Woods, will be a part of the council of leaders. Her wisdom and insight will be invaluable in shaping our future.

And then there is Shayde, my mate, and the love of my life. He will be the captain of my guard, protecting not just me but the entire necromantic community. In time, once we marry, he will become one of the leaders in the community with me, and with that, protection falls across monsters as well. It will before that regardless, but with his title, it would make it official that no one can deny. But for now, we all have unfinished business to attend to.

“Before we embrace our new roles,” I declare to the gathered assembly, “let us remember that our education is not yet complete. We are still students of Blackthorn Academy, and we must continue to hone our skills, expand our knowledge, and prepare ourselves for the challenges that lie ahead. Our studies at Blackthorn Academy must take precedence, for it is there that we will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to lead our people with confidence and wisdom.”

The spectators grow into a contemplative silence, and I can see understanding and determination flickering in the eyes of my chosen leaders. They recognize the importance of our continued growth and the significance of our shared journey.

With a final glance at Evie, Shayde, and the council of leaders, I step forward. “Let us embark on this path together, my friends. We shall support one another, learn from each other, and rise above any challenges that come our way. Together, we will shape a future where necromancy is revered, understood, and used for the greater good.”

Applause erupts throughout the community, echoing my sentiments and igniting a sense of unity among us all. As the cheers subside, I feel a rush of determination coursing through my veins. The doubts that had clouded my mind earlier begin to dissipate with clarity and purpose.

Today may be the day of my coronation, but it is also the day I realize that leadership is not a burden to be carried alone. It is a responsibility shared with those who have proven their worth and dedication. Together, we will navigate the intricate path that lies before us, forging a future that surpasses our wildest dreams.

As the ceremony draws to a close, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride and anticipation. The path ahead may be arduous, but I know that with unity and unwavering determination, we will rise above the challenges that lie before us. Today, I may not be the one to wear the crown, but I am confident that my time will come. Until then, I will continue to learn, to grow, and to prepare for the day when I will lead this community into a brighter future.
