Page 15 of Tempted Away

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“Thank you. They’ve finally decided to play ball.”

I don’t have to fake the appreciation in my voice because she has been an asset to me. She’s smart, she’s driven, and always eager for a challenge.

“Is there anything else you need me to do?”

I need you to sit on my lap,is what I want to say, but I don’t. Instead, I pat the couch where I’m sitting, papers spread out on the coffee table in front of me.

“Come sit. You deserve a break.”

It’s late. We’re the only two left, and the office is quiet. Over the last few weeks, it’s become the norm.

My cock twitches as I watch her walk towards me, mesmerized by the way her silky blue blouse molds against her tits. The way her hips sway in the black skirt that skims the swell of her hips. The way her heels make her already long legs look sinful and accentuate the curve of her calves.

Many long nights of working together have brought a sense of familiarity and comfort, and she sits next to me with no hesitation.

Pulling my eyes away from her tits is a lesson in self-control. The top two buttons that are undone are taunting me, providing me a small glimpse of those soft, creamy slopes, and it’s not nearly enough. I want to slowly undo each and every button, take my time unwrapping her tits like a much-anticipated present before I dive in and feast on them. I want to touch her skin—feel if it’s as soft and silky as it looks while I’m sliding my hands up her thighs, inching up her skirt. Then I want her toned legs wrapped around me while I lose myself in the feel of her.

My balls ache, and my cock has gone from a twitch to a jerk. Fuck. If I don’t get a taste of her, I’m going to explode.Soon, I promise myself.

I shift sideways so I’m facing her.

“I’ll level with you. When you were assigned to shadow me, I was pissed. Most of the time, I’m already so snowed under I feel like I can’t breathe. But now I can honestly say you’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time. You’ve helped relieve so much of my burden. I can’t believe how indispensable you’ve become to me in such a short time.”

Her face glows with pleasure.

“I’m glad I can help,” she says, biting her lip. “The amount of pressure they’re putting you under is insane.”

“You’re a natural. If you continue like this, you’ll have a bright future in this industry. You’re not only incredibly smart, but you’re also able to put up with my grouchy ass.”

“You’re not grouchy.” I jerk when she pokes me in the side, and I grab her hand, keeping hold of it. “Just extremely stressed.”

The way her voice drops with those last three words tells me I’m not the only one who feels this electric charge between us.

It’s all in the subtle signs you pick up on when you’re looking. And fuck, have I been looking. I didn’t miss how her eyes widened just a fraction when we were introduced and shook hands. I noticed how her eyes would drop when I caught her staring and how she played with her hair or licked her lips when I stood next to her, explaining something.

And if that wasn’t enough, it was how her face fell when she saw my wedding ring.

I’m not fooling myself. What I’m feeling is an insane attraction, not the start of some great love. She’s new and different, and I do want to get to know her more, but every time I close my eyes, it’s not talking to her that I picture. Fucking her on my desk, sitting in my office chair, my legs spread wide while she’s on her knees, swallowing me as far as I’ll go. Those are the things I see. And I’ve given up the fight with myself weeks ago. At first, I tried. I really did. I tried to lose myself in Bailey, hoping that reawakening our sex life would make this lust, this undeniable chemistry that I feel for Justine fade away. But it hasn’t.

Day by day, watching her plump lips move when she talked, or how her teeth nibbled on a pen while concentrating, or how she’d brush loose hairs from her neck got me more and more fired up. I lost count of how many times I was forced into a bathroom stall where I’d savagely take care of myself while biting down hard to keep the groans inside. Who the fuck knew a neck could be so erotic?

I don’t know what it is about her, but everything she does makes my blood boil. The way she admires me makes me feel like a king, and it’s a siren’s call I can’t resist. Everything about her is a bright neon flashing light begging me to fuck her. It’s intoxicating, and I’m tired of fighting it. Not even the fact that she’s Phillip’s niece and how he dotes on her can deter me at this stage.

The day I took off my wedding ring before walking into work was the day I conceded defeat. That was the day I took the first step into territory I never thought I’d find myself in.

My second step? Confiding in her late one night that I was getting a divorce. That little seed of hope I saw in her eyes chartered my course for me, and I’m steaming ahead at full speed.

I lean in a fraction, and satisfaction curls through me when her eyes drop to my lips. I’m done waiting.

“I want to kiss you.” I keep my voice soft, my eyes trained on hers so I can take in every detail. I don’t want to push this. I can’t fuck it up.

“You don’t think it’s too soon?” Her voice is hesitant, but it’s not a no. I know she’s talking about my marriage and looking for reassurance. Reaching out, I stroke her cheek gently.

“My marriage has been a sham for years. Bailey and I got married way too young, and we were too young to know what we wanted. We mistook friendship for love, and by the time we both realized it, we had gotten too comfortable to do anything about it.”

She’s hanging on to every word I say, that seed of hope sprouting and growing before my eyes. I should feel guilty. I should, but I can’t. This raw, animalistic desire burning in my veins is too strong.

“It took you walking into my life to realize that I wanted more. That I want you.”
