Page 3 of Tempted Away

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“Addie means well, but she’s clueless.”

I frown at Olivia. “You’re way too nice.”

What I actually mean is she’s way too naive. Addie has this sweet side that she portrays to everyone, but it didn’t take me long to figure out she’s one of those people who will smile at you while she holds a knife behind her back, ready to stab you if she could benefit from it in any way. Addie eats girls like Olivia for breakfast. I met Olivia when she marched in here, cv in hand, shoulders squared, asking if I had any vacancies. I had been thinking about employing someone to help out. I had Shelley, who ran the coffee shop orders and did the washing up, but I needed someone who could take over for me. Someone who could open or close the store the times I couldn’t. But it was a vague thought in the back of my mind, not something I had put much thought into.

But there was something about Olivia that pulled at my heartstrings. She tried to appear confident, but her hands were trembling. She had this vulnerable air about her that immediately made me feel protective over her. I didn’t know her at all, but I had this feeling that life hadn’t been easy for her.

I decided to take a chance on her, and I’m glad I did. She’s worth her weight in gold. Never complains and is always willing to do everything I ask. And she caught on quickly.

“Just watch your back around her.”



I KNOCKon Phillip’s door. It’s unusual for me to be summoned to his office, but I’m not worried. I haven’t been able to do anything wrong since I snagged the Bidlife account. I’ve made sure to stay on top of every detail, micromanaging the shit out of everything.

“Ah, Quinn, come in.”

He’s smiling, and it immediately puts me at ease. I step inside, casting my eyes around his office.One day, I promise myself. One day, I’ll be on the third floor, in an office twice the size of mine, with a dedicated personal assistant sitting just outside my door. One day, I’ll be able to go golfing for the day, networking with potential clients. I just need to keep doing what I’m doing, and all this will be mine.

“I’d like you to meet Justine. She’s starting her internship with us today.”

What the hell? I keep my smile in place, trying to hide my surprise. Not once in the six years I’ve worked here have we employed an intern.

I want to ask why, but the question dies on my lips when she turns around. Crystal blue eyes, a shade darker than mine, widen slightly when our eyes connect. Her lips, a plump pink, part when she takes me in. Hair so black, I’d bet money on it shining blue in the sun, is twisted up into some kind of complicated twist.

Phillip drones on, but I’m not hearing anything he’s saying, completely lost in the vision in front of me. I take another step forward and stick out my hand, giving hers a quick shake. A jolt of something—something I don’t care to examine closely—shoots through me at the contact, and I take a deep breath. Her smell hits my tongue, coating my mouth. I don’t know shit about flowers, but I’m guessing it’s something like that—light and floral.

Phillip clears his throat, and I drag my eyes from her. He has a small frown on his face. A frowning Phillip is never a good thing.

“Sorry, Phillip. I zoned out for a minute. I have a meeting with John Sr, I’m preparing for.”

I swallow my relief when he turns to Justine, his smile back.

“See what I mean? You can’t find a more dedicated employee than Quinn. You’ll be in good hands. I know we don’t normally employ interns,” he says, turning back to me, “but Justine is my niece. I’ve assigned her to your team. I couldn’t think of anyone better to mentor her.”

A brief flare of annoyance shoots through me. Nepotism at its finest. Fuck, it must be nice to be the boss. So nice to be able to spring this on me without discussing it with me. I’m already so damn busy I don’t have the time to babysit anyone. But there’s no way I can refuse someone related to my boss, so I suck it up and plaster on one of my most charming smiles. It could have been worse. At least she’s pretty. If she sucks, I can stick her with filing duties.

“Nice to meet you, Justine.”

“Hi,” she says, her smile a bit nervous, and immediately, I want to put her at ease.

“I know you’re busy, but you’ll find Justine a valuable asset. She’s as smart as a whip.”

Phillip smiles fondly at Justine, and I swallow heavily. If he knew of the visions running through my head, smiling would be the last thing he’d be doing.

“Okay,” he says, clapping his hands and turning to his computer screen. “I’ve assigned her your old desk. If you can show her the way and get her down to HR, that’d be great.”

Yeah, my still empty desk because they haven’t bothered to replace me, expecting me to take up the slack. Stingy bastards.

It’s a clear dismissal, so I stand aside, waiting for her to exit before following. It’s because I’m such a fucking gentleman. Definitely not because I want an unobstructed view of her ass in that tight skirt she’s wearing. If she’s going to make my life harder, there might as well be a perk for me.

We walk into the open office, and voices quieten, eyes following us.

I lean towards Justine, lowering my voice. “Don’t mind them. It’s not often we get new faces around here.”

Her smile is a bit shaky, but thankful nonetheless. “So this was your desk?” she asks, putting her bag on the chair.
