Page 45 of Tempted Away

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“I bet.”

He’s utterly shameless, and we both laugh.

“So, what brings you here tonight? Just a drink, or are you looking to meet someone tonight?”

There’s a hint of suggestion in the set of his mouth and the way he’s looking at me, and for just a moment, I wonder what it would be like to have a random hookup. I’ve never had one of those. It’s only ever been Quinn. Just as quick as the thought enters my mind, it leaves, leaving me feeling deflated.

“Can’t a girl just go out for a drink?”

“Sure can. And if that’s all you’re looking for, stay right here,” he says, tapping the bar top, “and I’ll make sure it stays that way. The name’s Keegan,” he says, sticking out his hand.

“Bailey,” I say, shaking his hand and sharing a smile with him.

“Hey, dick. No flirting with family allowed.”

“I wondered where you were hiding,” I say to Nathan as he wraps his arms around me, enveloping me in his familiar scent.

“Hey, sis.”

“Sister? Can’t say I see the resemblance,” Keegan says, his eyes bouncing between us.

“The day she married my big bro, she became my sister. So hands off.”

“Just keeping the customers happy, boss,” he says, lifting his hands.

“So, go keep them happy. I’ve got this.” Nathan turns to me. “So, what are you doing here?”

“Quinn’s working late, and I wanted some company tonight.”

“Been doing that a lot lately, hasn’t he?”

“Yeah.” I sigh. I don’t want to think about it tonight.

Nathan drags a stool closer and sits close enough for our knees to touch. “What’s going on with him? He came in a while back and didn’t seem like himself.”

He was? Instead of coming home, he came here, choosing to spend his free time without me. It’s just another sign I can’t ignore that everything is not okay. But I can’t drag water from a stone. Unless he decides to talk to me there’s nothing I can do.

Nathan’s eyes are so much like his brother’s, the exact same shade of blue, but that’s where the resemblance stops. Quinn is clean-shaven and polished, and Nathan sports permanent stubble and has tattoos covering most of his arms. Nathan’s favorite accessories are his leather jacket and bike, whereas Quinn wears suits and ties and wouldn’t be caught dead on a bike. But despite their differences, they are brothers, and they love each other. I know that if there’s anyone I can talk to, it’s Nathan. The concern in his eyes leaves no doubt of that.

“I don’t know, Nathan. He won’t talk to me,” I say, shrugging helplessly. Every day that passes, it feels like I’m losing my husband a bit more.

Five minutes later, I’m seated at our usual booth, and Nathan’s setting down my beer and sliding in across from me.

There are definitely perks to being friends with the owner. He has a table permanently reserved for our friend group, so no matter how last minute it is or how busy the place is, we’re always guaranteed to get a table.

“Talk to me.”

“There’s not much to say. He’s never home but when he is, he’s moody and confrontational. I keep asking him what’s wrong, but all he ever says is that he’s busy at work and under pressure. I can’t get him to talk to me.”

“There’s nothing you can pinpoint?”

I bite my lip, hesitating. Do I confide in Nathan? But what is there to confide? All I have is suspicions, which could just be paranoia caused by the distance between us. And would it be fair to condemn Quinn based on that? Also, just the thought of it has me feeling lost. I’ve always been so sure of our love. Of our connection, and maybe I’m just being naive, but never in a million years would I have ever thought I’d be in a position where I even contemplated the possibility of Quinn being unfaithful.

“No. He was stressed when he was gunning for that promotion, but nothing like this. I thought it would get better when he got it, but it’s only gotten worse.”

I don’t want to think about it tonight. All we ever do is fight, and all I want is a couple of drinks and to relax.

“I’ll see if I can get him locked down this weekend. Take him fishing. Maybe he’ll talk to me.”
