Page 77 of Tempted Away

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I shake my head. He can try, but I’m not leaving this chair. At least not untilheleaves. As if she can read my mind, which she probably can, seeing that she knows me so well, she turns to who the fuck ever dude.

“Maybe it’s best if you go. Aidan should be here soon.”

He’s shaking his head, and the asshole dares to touch her.

“I’m not leaving you alone with him.”

I decide to add my two cents worth. “I’m her husband. We’ve been alone plenty of times.”

“Just leave it. You can’t reason with a drunk person.”

He blows out a breath, and then he’s striding towards the door. “I’ll wait outside for Aidan.” He levels a look at me. “But I will be keeping an eye out.”

Then it’s just me and Bailey, the way it’s meant to be. She takes the chair across from me, eying me warily.

“He knows Aidan?”

“No,” she says, her voice clipped.

“But you know him. How? And for how long?”

She sighs, her shoulders slumping. “Quinn, you haven’t been around in a long time. How much did you have to drink?”

“Not enough,” I mumble, dropping my head in my hands. “I think Nathan’s disowned me.”


“Cause I told him. I told him about all the shitty things I’ve done to you.” I hiccup. Damn, they’re back.

Her sigh carries the weight of the world, a heaviness coating them that’s never been there before. It’s on the tip of my drunk ass tongue to tell her I got fired today, but self-preservation kicks in.

“I’ve decided to quit my job.”

She’s a picture of shock as she stares at me, her mouth slightly open.


Remembering Ryan’s advice I open my mouth to take it back, to tell her the truth, but I can’t. I literally can’t force the words out.

“You should be happy,” I say instead. “You hated my job.”

“No, Quinn. I never hated your work.” She shakes her head. “It made you happy, so I couldn’t hate it. What I did hate was that you never made time for me. That I wasn’t important enough.”

“You are important. So damn important.” Fuck, now I want to cry.

The sound of a car door slamming outside pulls her attention from me. “That will be Aidan. Quinn, please go with him. Sleep it off. We can talk about this tomorrow.”

I perk up. “Promise?”

“Yes. Just talk, though. I have to go fetch a few things from the apartment anyway. We can talk then.”



HANNAH WALKSinto the store, her eyes immediately finding me. I was waiting for this. I knew after I called Aidan to come to fetch Quinn, Hannah would have questions. She walks over and settles at a table, her eyes locked on to me like two lasers. It’s with a heavy heart that I walk over to her. She’s going to be so pissed at me for not telling her anything.

I’m halfway lowered in the chair when the inquisition starts.
