Page 87 of Tempted Away

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“I could always drop a hint with Andrew,” I tease. “He’s no slouch when it comes to using his hands.”

Her face flames a bright shade of red, and I lift my cup to hide my smile. She’s picked up on how Kallan looks at me, and the grins she’s been giving me feel a lot like being teased in grade school. I even heard her softly singing “Kallan and Bailey sitting in a tree. K.i.s.s.i.n.g.,” so I’m really enjoying this moment.

“You never did tell me how your movie date went.”

“It wasn’t a date,” she huffs, shooting up and turning away, making a beeline towards the back.

“Whatever you say,” I call after her retreating back.

“We’re just friends,” she yells just before disappearing into the kitchen.

I’m still smiling while I’m dusting the self-help shelf. Even though it’s the shelf that sees the least action, it’s not dusty. But it gives me the perfect vantage point to watch Kallan’s shop.

Fifteen minutes before opening, I see his truck pull up, and I’m across the road, waiting for him before he even gets out.

“Good morning.” I’ve seen Kallan smile more in the last few days than in all the months since I met him. The one he’s giving me now tells me he knows exactly why I’m here. “I’m disappointed, though,” he says, leaning back against his truck and squinting at my hand.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m hoping that if I look hard enough, that duster will change into a cup.”

Shit, I should have brought him coffee. Lots of coffee.

“Oh, no, sorry,” I say, sticking the hand holding the duster behind my back.

“It’s okay. I’ll never turn down a good dusting.”

“You made me a bench,” I rush out, unable to hold back the words burning my tongue.

He nods slowly. “I did.”


All traces of humor drop from his face, replaced by that burning in his eyes.

“You know why.”


“AUNTY LEY LEY!” Ethan launches off the porch swing, stumbling in the process. I wince at how close his head comes to connecting to the railing, but he corrects himself just in time and launches himself at my legs, clinging like a barnacle. I swear, that boy is the most accident-prone child I’ve ever come across, but damn, don’t I just love him.

“Hey, beautiful boy,” I say with a twinge of guilt in my chest. I’ve always been the fun aunt. I claimed the title the minute they were born and reserved the right to spoil them. And I’m failing. It’s not their fault my life has gone to hell in a handbasket. I need to do better.

“I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you, too,” I crouch down and smack a big kiss on his forehead.

“Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. What is that?” I point at his mouth, mock horror painted all over my face.

He smiles, his brown eyes sparkling with excitement. “It’s come out.” He stretches his mouth wide, pointing to the gap.

“He made Dad tie a string to the door.”

“Did it hurt?”

He shakes his head. “No. It was quick.”

“He screamed like a baby.”
