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He winced, recalling Brigette’s earlier message. “Massive ones are.” The board president could fuck off. If she didn’t like the job he was doing, she could bring in another CEO. That would be happening soon enough at any rate. He was the turnaround executive, not the one interested in creating stability and long-term growth. They were very different jobs. “But the hiring freeze is remaining in place.”

“So anyone who leaves will not be replaced.”

“With some exceptions, perhaps.”

“That people will still have jobs will be a big relief for the rest of the holiday season.”

Even he wasn’t a big enough jackass to fire people on Christmas week, even if that would please Brigette. “Is that really a concern?”

“It is. A lot of your employees are hoping they will be able to pay their credit card bills next month.”

Including her?

For the first time, he saw the situation from her perspective. Maybe he hadn’t communicated well enough, but he’d been focusing on saving the company from insolvency.

When the server returned to the table, Kaylee asked for a container since she’d eaten only half of her meal. Then she ordered a piece of bread pudding with creamy bourbon sauce to go.

His wrist unit vibrated, and when he tapped it, a trumpet blast startled him. A freaking percussion instrument at an ear-splitting decibel? That was a new trick, one he didn’t appreciate. Damn Bonds.

“Chief of staff reporting an urgent message.”

“Don’t do that again. A gentle chime is enough. Or better, just the vibration.”

“Which you’ll ignore, dreamboat.”

He rolled his eyes as Kaylee laughed.

“Dreamboat?”she repeated. “That’s about the last thing I’d call you.”

His response was wry. “I’m certain it is.”

“Maybe Jolly is being ironic?”

“Thanks for that.” He preferred this more relaxed version of her to the one who showed up at work every day.

“Do you want the message or not?”

“Since you already interrupted, you might as well tell me.”

“The ring is ready.”

There was a brief pause while he met Kaylee’s gaze.

“Who are you marrying?”

“None of your business.” Bonds had customers who actually paid for this intrusive service? Whatever the fee, it was overpriced. “Tell the Genius to quit snooping.”

“Spoilsport. May I tell Jean Claude what time you plan to pick it up? They’re happy to wait for your arrival.”

“It’s supposed to be their day off.” Kaylee’s words held an edge, reminding Frost they were inconveniencing the shop owner and her assistant.

“Twenty minutes. And let Jennings know we’ll be ready for him imminently.”

“Consider it done.”

“Shall we? I’m ready to have my ring on your finger.”

“Does anything stand in your way, Mr. Frost?”
