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“As appealing as that sounds, I didn’t sleep well last night, so I think I shouldn’t have any more caffeine.”

“Did something keep you awake?”

Heat crept through her body.

“Perhaps the same thing that prevented me from getting much rest?”

Was he serious?

“A hot scene with an alluring elf kept going through my mind.”

The knowledge she’d had some impact on him rocked her. “Well, Santa wasn’t so bad himself.”

Though they shared grins in an intimate, easy exchange, the idea that he’d had an equally challenging night thrilled her.

“I have decaf. Or maybe even hot chocolate. I’m sure I can figure out how to make cocoa. How hard can it be?”

“Do you have the ingredients?” she asked. “Cocoa, milk, sugar, salt?”

“I’m sure the household manager thought of that. The pantry is well stocked. Or so I’m told.”

“You have all those ingredients,” Jolly chimed in.“Along with vanilla.”

“No one asked you,” Frost responded.

Jolly let out a loudharrumph.“I beg to differ. The person who is presumably going to be your wife did. And if logic follows, her name is Kaylee Robbins.”

Frost’s mouth opened, and then he snapped it shut again.

Nonplussed, Kaylee blinked. “That’s some impressive technology.”

“Intrusive as fuck, you mean. I need to have a little chat with Bonds, who is likely enjoying himself far, far too much.”

As if the humans weren’t having their own conversation, Jolly continued.“Everything you need, including a package of mini marshmallows and a bottle of Madagascar vanilla, is on the third shelf from the top on the right side.”

The answer was so comprehensive that she needed a moment to respond. “Thank you.” Was she supposed to thank a computer? “That’s super impressive. How do I get a Jolly?”

“See, someone appreciates me.”

Frost shook his head. “You can have this one.”

“I’d rather be with somebody who appreciates me anyway.”

“I feel outnumbered.” Frost shook his head. “Since I’m going to be figuring out how to make cocoa—”

“You’ll need a saucepan, which you’ll find beneath—”

“Give it a rest.”

“And a whisk.”

“Jolly, standby mode.”

“Oh, I was enjoying her,” Kaylee protested.

