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He told her, “Leave them. The housekeepers will clean up.”

“It will only take a few minutes for me to wash the dishes and straighten the kitchen,” she protested.

“I said, leave them.” His voice allowed no argument. With that, he swept her off the ground and into his arms.

Gasping, desperate to regain her balance, she clung onto him. It was a mistake because his scent was heady with determination and raw masculinity.

“You need to do as you’re told.” His voice was uncompromising.

Despite the jostling movements as he walked, she tilted her head to look at him. Intuition flashed a warning not to tease him, but she was helpless to resist. “Or else what, Mr. Frost?”

“I’ll show you.”

“Is that a promise or a threat?”

“What would you like it to be?”

Dangerous, unexplored territory lay ahead. Dare she admit the truth to both of them?

When she didn’t answer, he made the decision for her. “It’s both. Consider yourself warned, my tempting sub.”

His use of a scene nickname sent her into a different headspace, making her response natural and swift. “If you say so, Sir.”

He climbed the stairs to his suite, then continued through to his dungeon.

From what he’d said in the sunroom, she expected him to take her to bed and make love to her. But that he wanted to play made her dizzy.

“Remove your shirt, sub,” he commanded, the husky, dominant tone from last night returning to his voice.

As she did so, the light glinted off her diamond. The sight startled her for a moment before she reminded herself its presence was all part of her new, temporary, make-believe life.

When she glanced up, he too was looking at the piece of jewelry.

Uncomfortably, she shifted, and he shook his head as he extended his hand to accept her sweater.

Today she’d worn a regular bra, although it was lacier than the ones she selected for work.

“And now the skirt.”

This was so much more personal than it had been at the club last night. There, most people were in some state of undress. Right now, it was just the two of them, in the silence, the sounds of their breaths filling the air. “Can we listen to some music?”

“So I can’t hear your whimpers?”

She tipped her head back.

“Next time, perhaps.”

Last night he’d been overly accommodating, but now he was a full-on Dominant.

“The skirt,” he prompted a second time. “Unless you’d like to add more spanks to the ones I’m planning?”

Her pulse seemed to turn sluggish, and her fingers shook as she lowered the zipper, then allowed the material to swish to the floor.

After stepping out of the garment, she bent to retrieve it.

All the while, he continued to regard her.

Her mouth dried as she turned her skirt over to him.
