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Kaylee had no idea how long she slept, but she awakened to the sound of rushing water and the room in near darkness.

With a yawn, she pushed up onto her elbows, and a blanket fell to her waist. When had he covered her?

In his glorious nakedness, cock semihard, he crossed to the bed and sat next to her.

Frantically, nipples pebbling as she recalled what they’d just done—the intensity of it all—she pulled the blanket back into position.

“You okay?”

Now that she’d had a taste of that kind of sex, she wanted more. She searched for embarrassment and found none. So she responded honestly. “Never better.”

“Good. Because I can’t get enough of you.”

Terrifying her, she felt the same way.

He smoothed a strand of hair behind her ear. “I wanted to fuck you all night, but I promised I’d get you home at a reasonable hour.” His voice was every bit as husky as it had been during sex. “I guarantee you; I’d rather not keep my word.”

Part of her didn’t want him to either. It would have been so easy to sleep in the security of his arms.

“Figured you might like a bath before I take you home.”

She appreciated his thoughtfulness.

After standing, he offered his hand.

Tamping down her instinctive self-consciousness, she accepted his help. Then she was in front of him, inches separating them, the scent of unrestrained desire lingering in the air.

Impossibly she wanted him again.

If he pulled her closer, she wouldn’t resist. And that made him more than dangerous.

After the space of a few heartbeats, he released her, sending a ridiculous shiver of disappointment through her.

Kaylee followed him into the ensuite, where steam billowed from the soaking tub.

“Smells good.” As he turned off the water, she inhaled deeply. “Is that lavender?”

“No idea. Grabbed a package of Epsom salts.” As if confounded, he shrugged. “Don’t care about the scent. I just want to ensure your body isn’t too sore.” He swept his gaze over her, allowing it to linger on her breasts. “For very selfish reasons.”

She swallowed deeply. That he too was thinking of being together again thrilled her.

“Your towel is on this heated rack.” He pointed.

“You’ve thought of everything.”

While she eased into the massive tub, he entered the walk-in shower with its glass surround.

She sank down to her chin, letting her eyelids sleepily drift shut and allowing the water to soothe her. Her body was achier than she’d realized. But the warmth and bath salts relaxed her completely.

A few moments later, she looked at him, watching him lather, his impressive muscles rippling beneath the cascading water. Then he stroked his enormous erection.

At that moment, he caught her looking at him. He paused, hand curved around his dick, and hormones flooded her. This man—Dominant—seemed to own her responses.

“See something you like?” His grin was quick, quirky.

“As a matter of fact…” Maybe because her defenses had been lowered by what they’d shared, she answered honestly. “Yes. I do.”

He turned off the faucet, then stared at her. “Likewise.”
