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“Have a seat, Ms. Robbins. We have something to discuss.”


Last night, she might have addedSir.But today, it was as if they’d never spent a private moment together, and he wouldn’t fucking put up with it.

After he’d taken her home, he’d been filled with restless energy. Instead of retreating to his house, he’d come to the office to work out at the state-of-the-art fitness center. At times, he liked the different assortment of equipment, and it provided a change of view.

Even a brutal amount of punishment and jacking off in the shower didn’t banish thoughts of her, and he’d slept like shit.

Slowly she perched on the edge of a chair.

Today she’d pinned up her hair, but a tiny tendril had escaped to curl against her cheekbone.

How damn much he wanted to tuck it back into place. Or better, pull all the pins out of her updo and have her hair fall in wild abandon around her shoulders like it had when they made love last night.

That’s what it had been.

Making love.

Unusual for him.

He loved sex—every part of it. But until her, he’d never joined with a woman from a place of such tenderness.

Now she’d cloaked herself in a shell, and he intended to demolish it.

Deliberately he signed each check, taking his time to read who it was to and the precise amount.

She sighed in frustration.

Generally she left them with him and returned sometime later.

“You wanted to talk?”

“Where’s your ring?” Its absence had been gnawing at him all day.

“In a box on my dresser.”

The answer was so quick, she must have prepared in advance.

“Wearing it would have invited questions that I am not prepared to answer. I don’t think everyone at the company needs to know about this…” She stopped. Then, after crossing her legs at the ankles—so damn prim and proper—she continued, “Our arrangement. And I’m not making up another fake boyfriend.”

“I see.” Hard to argue with. Even if he didn’t like her response.

“Anything else? Otherwise I need to get back to work.”

Was she intentionally yanking his chain? “I’m considering closing the business for the rest of the year.”

Though she opened her mouth, she said nothing.


“I’m trying to figure out what you mean. Is this a cost-saving measure? As in you’re forcing your employees to take time off without pay?”

Always so damn suspicious of him. “No.”

She blinked slowly. “In that case…I don’t understand.”

“Over the last few months, everyone has worked hard. As you are so fond of reminding me.”
