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Her lips momentarily parted. “Of course. The world wouldn’t dare keep you waiting.”

Rather than arguing, he offered an explanation. “That’s where Jennings is parked.”

“I see. Can you pick me up out front? I’m taking these treats to the security staff.”

Finally he relented. “I’ll go with you.”

While they waited for the regular elevator, he notified Jennings of the change of plans.

Moments later, the compartment doors closed, sealing them in together.

“I didn’t realize that executives got all these perks.”

He studied her.

“Private parking too, right? If you’re an exec, you don’t ever have to go through the same struggles as your underlings.”

Underlings? Was that how she saw the differences in their job titles?

“Have you considered leasing out the spaces, and perhaps giving one to an employee of the month?” Smiling, she looked up at him. “Executives need exercise too. It wouldn’t hurt them to walk a few extra steps every day.”

Her feistiness stood in stark contrast to the coldness with which she had treated him all day.

As soon as she exited, she headed straight for the marble desk in the lobby, greeting the woman by name and offering the box along with her holiday greetings.

How much of the world around him did he miss? He’d accused Kaylee of not knowing about the severance packages, but he was guilty as well.

Together, he and Kaylee exited the building as Jennings pulled to the curb.

People bustled everywhere, and winding through the French Quarter was a challenge.

Eventually, Jennings arrived at the Sterling’s garland-draped entrance. Before Jennings could open the door for them, the hotel’s attentive staff had already helped.

“Wow,” Kaylee said as an attendant tipped his hat and ushered them into the lobby.

A massive tree brushed the ceiling—an impressive feat, given the height. Nearby a family was taking pictures on a sleigh.

At the sight, he and Kaylee exchanged glances and quick grins.

“The spa first?”

She nodded. “A good idea. Before they close.”

They crossed to the far end of the hotel and took the stairs to the mezzanine. In contrast to the busyness of the public spaces, the spa level was a welcome oasis of calm, soft music, plants, and poinsettias.

While she browsed the shelves that were stocked with a dizzying array of bath products, he took care of picking up the bag containing his grandmother’s present. As for Kaylee’s gift card, he tucked that into his wallet.

After about twenty minutes, she settled on a prepackaged basket containing the hotel’s most popular products. Then she selected a candle with some purple-colored flowers crushed on the top.

The clerk packaged each in a rich black bag with gold lettering on the side and tied them with bright red bows.


“Yes.” Enthusiastically she nodded. “These are perfect. Mom will love hers.”

“Is the other for you?”

She laughed. “No. I’d never pay that much for a candle for myself.”
