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“It’s a total fantasy, right? I think I want a fairy tale where two people come together and spend their time working on a common goal.”

“Difficult, yeah. But it’s not impossible. My grandparents had it.”

With a sigh of frustration, she curled a finger into a loose lock of hair. “One thing I hate about the relationship with Dwayne is the fact I wasted so much time believing in him, in us. And the first time we ran into trouble, he was gone.”


She studied the candle, then moved it to the side before meeting his gaze again. “All I needed was a little space, some understanding.”

“Sickness and health. For richer, for poorer.” Something Greta hadn’t believed in either. “And maybe you’re right that it was better you found out sooner rather than later. Even if it hurts. But I’ll tell you this”—Frost leaned forward—“you were too damn good for him.” Kaylee always put others first, and to be with a man who was so demanding must have caused her internal pain. She needed support, deserved to be taken care of.

“It’s in the past.” She offered another falsely sunny smile. “And my job has kept me so busy I don’t have time to brood or obsess about what I lost and the future I could have had in a perfect world. And as soon as work slows down, I’ll start dating again.”

The thought pissed him off. Was this—what they shared—so easy to forget?

“This time I’ll find someone more suitable.” She met his gaze. “A man who believes in forever and isn’t afraid to commit.”

Fury grinding at him, he finished his drink and signaled for the check.

As usual, Kaylee reached for her purse.

“Don’t,” he warned, his temper beginning to unravel at the edges. All day, her actions had annoyed him. “Don’t you damn well do it. And if you know what’s good for you, don’t argue either.”

Fire flashed in her eyes.

“I mean it. This is one you can’t win.”

With a deep sigh, she finally relented. “In that case, thank you.”

“Much better.” He liked winning, and she turned everything into a battle.

As they left the bar, he possessively placed his fingertips against the small of her back. The idea of any other man feeling as if he had the right to touch her this way sparked agitation in him.

Realistically he realized he had no right to feel that way. But his rational mind held no sway over his primal instincts.

Except for informing Jennings where he wanted to go, the drive back to her place happened mostly in silence, and he wished he had any idea what to say to break the tension he didn’t comprehend.

When they arrived at her apartment complex, he turned toward her. “I’ll walk you up.”

“There’s—” Wisely she clamped her mouth shut.

A second point to him.

Once they were inside her home, he backed her up against the closed door. There was no way she didn’t feel his erection pressing against the softness of her belly.This, this was a language they both understood. “I’ll pick you up at three-thirty tomorrow.”

Then, with brutal dominance, he captured her mouth and devoured it.

When he finally ended the kiss, he dug a hand into her hair, dislodging some of the hair pins she’d used as armor against him. The pieces of metal hit the floor with a satisfying thud.

He tightened his fist, ensuring she couldn’t look away, couldn’t escape. “When I get here, make damn sure my ring is on your finger.”


Her nerves stretched to their breaking point, Kaylee glanced at the clock. It was almost three, which meant she’d be seeing Frost in less than half an hour.

Everything inside her was in turmoil.

Yesterday she’d decided to keep herself distant from him. With the way she reacted to him, that was a challenge.
