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“This is for you.” He extended the beautifully wrapped silver box toward her.

“Me?” His gesture caught her completely off guard “You shouldn’t have.”

“I assure you; you deserve this and much more.”

As she accepted the present, a scowl replaced his smile. “You’re not wearing your ring?”

“I told you I wasn’t quite ready.” Her words were rushed together. “I was afraid of snagging my dress.” The excuse was the best she could come up with, and the skeptical tilt of his head proved he didn’t believe her. Truth was, she’d been putting off the moment as long as she could.

“Where is it?”



She inhaled. “My bedroom.”

“I’ll follow you.”

Once again, Frost allowed no argument.

With a small nod, she walked toward the back of the apartment, placing her gift on the kitchen counter as she passed.

Behind her, his footfalls echoed with determination.

In her room, she took the box from its hiding spot.

Once she’d turned it over to him, he flipped open the lid. “Give me your hand.”

She glanced away as he snuggled the beautiful ring into place.

“That’s better.”

Unable to help herself, she looked at the diamond. It was exquisite enough to take away her breath every time she saw it.

He raised her hand to his lips and placed a kiss right below the radiant, glittering stone.

“Now you’re ready.”

In less than the three minutes that they’d spent together, Frost was already melting away her resolve.

“Would you like to open your gift before we leave?”

“Since we’re probably now running late, I’ll wait until later.”

He nodded. “Maybe with a glass of wine.”

Her breath caught. Was he planning to stay here after their agreement was over?

In the entrance, he helped her into her coat, and she grabbed her purse before hurrying back to the counter to grab the bag containing the candle.

“What’s that?”

“A little something for your grandmother.”

“For my grandmother?” he repeated with genuine shock. “I should have told you I bought her a present and card which I signed with both of our names.”

Another fib in the grand scheme they were creating. “This is a hostess gift. My way of thanking her for having us over.”
