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Until their mom met the man who’d become their stepfather, it had been the three of them against the world. Even though they now had younger siblings, she and Loree shared a deep connection, one that a thousand miles and infrequent conversations couldn’t sever.

Still, because of the holiday, and knowing how busy Loree was with school and wedding planning, Kaylee forced a false pretense. She hated burdening anyone one else with her emotional angst. “Everything’s fine.”

“Liar, liar, pants on fire.”

The levity made Kaylee laugh, a welcome respite from the overwhelming grief of the last twelve hours.

“Nice try, big sis. I know the sound of your voice well enough to know when something’s going on. Now tell me. Or I’ll pester you with questions until I pry it out of you.”

Of that, she had no doubt. “It’s silly, really. You don’t have time for this. And we should talk about happy things.”

“It’s the bosshole boss again, isn’t it?”

Kaylee didn’t respond right away, and her lack of answer was enough for Loree to jump to conclusions.

“Aha! I knew it. It’s always him. So—what?—didn’t he approve your time off request? He’d better not keep you from being my maid of honor.”

“Nothing will stop that.” She still wasn’t one hundred percent sure how she’d make it happen. But once she’d struck a deal with Frost, she’d allowed herself to mentally plan the trip.

Now, even if she had to max out her credit cards and drive her clunky car halfway across the country, she was going to the wedding.

“What did BH do again?”


“Bosshole. Keep up. You told me you’re working this week. Honestly, Kaylee, I think you log more hours than most resident doctors.”

“Not even close.” Which Loree knew because she and Joshua would be starting their own residencies in a little over a year, and they’d heard horror stories the whole time they’d been in med school. “And actually, he decided to close the company until after the new year.”

“Shit. Hell froze over, didn’t it?”

Talking to her sister was the balm Kaylee’s soul needed.

“Okay, so the problem is Frost but not overwork?” Loree lowered the pitch of her voice. “Tell me what happened.”

“It’s complicated.”

“I’ll ask questions if I can’t keep up.”

Which was why she excelled in school. “It started with him playing Santa.”

Loree laughed. “I’m sorry. I want to be serious, but really? Evan Frost as Santa?”

Not long ago, she’d have found the idea equally as ludicrous. “If you remember, I was Santa’s elf at the Quarter.” She was grateful she could tell her sister anything and everything.

“Oh yes! And Master Denton was supposed to be Santa. Wait… Wait…”

Across the miles, it was obvious Loree was making the connections.

“Frost is a Dominant, and you werehiself? Oh my God. You didn’t run away screaming ‘hell no’?”

In retrospect, maybe she should have. “He made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. Time off with pay and a first-class airline ticket.”

“Tell me you didn’t agree to that?”

When she remained silent, Loree exhaled softly.

“Oh, sis. You sold your soul to that devil for me?”
