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“It’s going to be a strange year.” She glanced at the clock. “Anyway, I promised Mom I’d be there early to help out. Even though she’s always done most of it herself, she counted on Dad for a few things.”

“Pulling the giblets out of the turkey.”

“Eww.” She wrinkled her nose. “You’re going to be the doctor. Are you sure you can’t fly out and handle the icky part for us?”

“You’re on your own. We’re having a potluck with a bunch of other students. And I’m taking corn.”

Her sister was known for many things but not her gourmet cooking. “Please tell me it’s not from a can?”

“Joshua bought it in the frozen section.”

Small mercies.

“We were also asked to bring those sweet dinner rolls from the grocery store’s bakery section.”

“Warm them up. They taste better that way.”

“They’re fine out of the plastic wrapping!” Loree laughed. “With enough butter, anything tastes good.”

After they wished each other merry Christmas, Kaylee ended the call. Then she dumped out her cold, forgotten coffee and poured a fresh cup before starting to gather everything she needed to take to her mom’s house: presents for her siblings, the gift for her mom, and all the desserts.

Today was going to be hard on all levels, not just because of Frost, but because her family had lost the man who’d been their rock.

Again, tears stung her eyes, and she swiped them away as she placed the cheesecake and pies in boxes to keep them safe as she drove.

Then she arrived at the plateful of red wine truffles. Instead of wrapping them or moving them to a zippered bag, she looked at them.

As a rule, she didn’t have sweets for breakfast.

But as Loree said, it was Christmas.

The reminder of the conversation made her mind spiral to Frost. What was he doing today? Not that it mattered to her. Working? Going to a gathering? Hanging out with friends? Trying to figure out why the hell she’d walked away from their deal?

If she hadn’t run, would they have spent the evening together, along with some of their time off this week?

Instead her house was empty, her gift remained unopened, and the days between now and January 2 promised to be long and lonely, maybe unfulfilling.

As a lump formed in her throat, she shook her head. Until now, she’d loved her alone time, using it to rest and read business books or sometimes joining Maddie when she volunteered at the shelter.

But today, more than ever, Kaylee’s family needed her, and she needed them.

Though she shouldn’t, she picked up a truffle and bit into it, trying to chase away her feelings.

It was still a breakup even if only one person thought it was, right?


“Rise and shine, ex-dreamboat.”

As the blinds in his room opened, Frost blinked against the sunlight. What the hell?

He was convinced he hadn’t told Jolly to wake him up. “What time is it?”

“Eight a.m.”

Shit. That couldn’t be right. He hadn’t slept that late in a decade.

He scrubbed a hand down his face, and gritty stubble abraded his skin. When had he last shaved? Or done anything except reach for a bottle of whiskey?
