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He loved Kaylee. Totally and completely.


And that meant she was worth any risk. Even if he ended up destroyed.


Even though Grandma’s Kitchen was ridiculously loud with its banging silverware and plates, along with the sounds of laughter and conversation buzzing around them, and her younger siblings squabbling over the crayons they each wanted to use on the restaurant’s kids’ menus, Kaylee froze, her senses on high alert as if danger crackled nearby.

Glancing up, she scanned the restaurant.

“Everything okay?” her mother asked.

Kaylee shook her head. “It’s fine.” But that was a lie. Her heart was racing, and her awareness tingled.

“Maybe a headache?”

That could definitely be the case. They both grinned.

Even though it was only early afternoon, the day had been ridiculously long. She’d picked up her family a little after eight, and they’d headed to a fast-food restaurant for breakfast. They’d followed that with a visit to the children’s museum. Afterward they’d ended up at City Park to run around, drink too many sodas, and eat too much junk food.

Since everyone—locals and tourists alike—seemed to be off for the holidays, every place they went was crowded. And because they were probably overtired and stuffed with sugar, the kids had been snippy.

Managing her own feelings was difficult as well.

Christmas dinner had been somber, even though everyone in the family tried their best to act happy. Maybe they should have acknowledged how difficult the day was instead of all trying to be brave for each other.

Too bad Kaylee hadn’t thought of that until the next day.

Not that her lack of resourcefulness was a surprise.

Since she’d started the charade with Frost, she hadn’t had a good night’s sleep. And the numerous conversations she’d had with Sylvia had added to her emotional upset.

Even making the decision to leave Christoff—and Frost—hadn’t soothed Kaylee as she hoped it would. Generally, once a situation was resolved in her mind, her mood improved. This time, if anything, it became worse.

She missed him, ached to talk to him, to be with him, catch up. Had he been to the office to see her resignation letter? If he had, what was his reaction?

It shouldn’t matter, but it did.

No matter what she tried, she couldn’t stop loving him, couldn’t get over him.

She told herself to be grateful she had this time with her family; otherwise she’d be at home alone, since her new job didn’t start until the middle of January.

So far, she’d volunteered at the shelter, taken a couple of walks, a dozen baths, and read up on the company she and Sylvia would be joining.

But still, she had too many hours in the day.

That sense of unease tickled her spine again.

And this time, her pulse skittered to a halt.


Headed her direction, eyebrows furrowed intently, gaze locked on her, his strides purposeful.

She needed to run.

But fear held her in its icy fingers.
