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“No I’m not.”Jolly harrumphed.“I’m his chief of staff.”

“Sorry.” Frost shrugged. “She’s my chief of staff. Very helpful.”

“Indispensable, you mean.”

He exhaled a long-suffering sigh. “Right.” Then he addressed Laura. “Mrs. Witt, ask Jolly to tell us a joke.”

“What does a snowman wear on his head?”Jolly waited for a moment.“An ice-cap!”

Everyone groaned.

Kaylee smiled. In this moment, she was content in a way she’d never believed possible.

After closing the door, Evan draped his arm around her shoulders. Then they both waved as Jennings drove away. “I think you won them over.”

“Maybe.” He shrugged fatalistically. “No doubt I have more work to do, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to earn their trust as well as yours. And thank you for giving me the chance. Your mom might have ripped out my throat if you hadn’t reacted the way you did.” He studied her. When he went on, his tone was low and sexy. “I’ve missed you, and I want to get you home.”

Heady desire slid through her. “You’re going to find my car much less luxurious than yours.”

“As long as it gets us safely to my place.”

She shrugged. “If she’s in the right mood. Her name’s Grumpy Galumph.”

“Grumpy Galumph?”

“Don’t blame me. That was her name when I bought her. I just didn’t change it when I found out how cantankerous she is.”

Three minutes later, he found out for himself when he tried to back her out of the parking spot. “Does she need a spa day?”

“The mechanic thinks so.”

As the vehicle lurched forward, he glanced at her. “I suppose you’re attached to her and don’t want to trade her in?”

“A new car isn’t in my budget.”

“You can drive one of mine—ours,” he corrected, “until you change your mind and trade her in.”

“Don’t say that too loudly.”

A light flashed on the dashboard.

“Told you so.”

Still, they made it to his high-rise, and he parked it in a reserved spot. The vehicle looked ridiculous among all the sports cars, pickup trucks, and luxury SUVs. But Evan knew Kaylee—a woman who didn’t need flashy things.

“Champagne in the sunroom?” he suggested when they were in the penthouse with her coat hung up and her purse placed where she could easily find it. “I want to fuck you senseless, but I imagine you want to talk first.”

She appreciated how much he seemed to understand her. “Yes. You had some time to think this through, but it stunned me honestly. I need a few minutes to wrap my mind around it.”

“You’ll have the rest of your life.”

While she grabbed the crystal flutes, he uncorked the bubbly and poured it.

“To us”—he picked up a glass and offered it to her before lifting his—“and our future. Our happiness.”

She clinked her rim against his, then took a sip. “Holy wow.” It was like air, an explosion of happiness in her mouth. Eyes wide, she looked at the bottle. “That’s not ordinary champs.”

“One of my best. Special reserve for celebrations.”
