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Maddie was exhausted. She’d worked all day, and she’d spent half the night having hot sex with Master Zander.

Leaving him this morning had broken her heart. The truth was, saying goodbye to him was never going to be easy, so it was better that she left when she did.

When they scened at the club, she’d been desperate for a connection with him, but now, in hindsight, going home with him had been a terrible idea. The magic they’d shared had been more than physical; it had nourished her emotions.

Why had she offered so much to a man she’d probably never see again? And now the emptiness of her life was even more painful.

“How about you, Maddie?”

At the sound of her name, she looked up. “Sorry?”

“You coming with us?”

She nodded, eager to put off going home for as long as possible.

Twenty minutes later, the group of women arrived at the nearby coffee shop, and she ordered the largest caramel macchiato on the menu. It had so many calories it counted as dinner. Tonight, maybe she’d soak in a hot bath, then curl up and watch a holiday baking competition on television.

“I bought this to share.” Theresa carried over a box containing a gingerbread loaf and offered it to Maddie.

Warring with herself, she wrinkled her nose. “I shouldn’t.”

“It’s the holidays.” Theresa nudged the box closer. “Start your diet next year. That’s what New Year’s resolutions are for.”

Maddie laughed. “You convinced me.” She compromised, breaking a piece in half. Then she quickly slid the treats to the woman next to her.

After taking a bite, she blinked. Combined with her sweet beverage, she’d just had enough sugar to melt the enamel off her teeth.

The small group took turns sharing their holiday plans.

When it came time for her to say something, Maddie’s smile froze. “I think I’ll just spend a quiet day.”

Theresa scowled. “Nope. Not happening. You can come to my house.”

“That’s beyond kind. Thank you.” She appreciated the invitation but didn’t commit, one way or another.

“Text me later if you want me to set an extra plate. The more the merrier.”

“I appreciate that. Really.”

A few minutes later, all conversation at the table paused, and people seemed fixated on her.

Theresa, wide-eyed, pointed over her shoulder. “I think you’ve got company.”

Pulse slowing, Maddie turned.

In all his masculine glory, Master Zander stood there, dressed in a black T-shirt and tight, sexy jeans. He was freshly shaven and smelled of Dominant intent.

She tried to speak, but no words emerged on the first attempt.

After greeting everyone at the table, he leaned down so that no one could overhear the words that were meant just for her.

“I’ve come to collect my precious little sub.”

“I…” She shook her head. “I don’t understand.” A million questions tumbled through her mind. How did he know where to find her?

“Will you trust me?”

She did. Completely.
