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“For a couple of hours at least.” A wicked gleam in his gray eyes, he swung her from the ground and tossed her over his shoulder, giving her rear a smarting smack. “We’re going to have a very merry Christmas and begin our New Year filled with happiness. What do you think of that, my precious sub?”

She giggled. “Yes, Sir. Let’s get started on forever.”

For everyone who believes in the magic of the holidays.


For the seventh time in less than ten minutes, Hayes McCall’s phone vibrated, slithering across his desktop. Because he always held out hope his five-year-old son would be calling, he checked the display.

Mistress Aviana. Owner of New Orleans’s renowned BDSM club, the Quarter.


The woman was as demanding as she was persistent. Which was how she’d gotten as far as she had in life, despite a horrible start.

Biting back an annoyed sigh, he sent her to voicemail and returned his attention to one of his computer screens.

Less than sixty seconds later, the device started its annoying dance once again.Jesus.Why the hell wouldn’t she leave him alone to wallow in misery?

Deciding to get this over with, he finally answered. “Aviana. What do you want?”

“Merry Christmas to you too, Hayes.”

Once upon a time, he would have automatically returned the greeting. Now, the bah-humbug holidays were an awful reminder of everything he’d lost.

Seeming not to care that he didn’t respond, she went on in her obnoxiously cheerful tone. “I’m expecting to see you this evening.”

At her club’s annual Christmas extravaganza. “No, you’re not.” They both knew he hadn’t RSVP’d.

“It’s been too long.”

Months. Maybe years. More than anyone, she understood the reasons why. Aviana was one of the few people who knew the depth of his ex’s deception.

“If you want to drown in a bottle of bourbon on Christmas day, fine. I won’t say anything.”

“Good of you.”

“But tonight? No. I have a surprise that I don’t want you to miss.” She paused for a moment. “Oh, Hayes? Bring a gift for Santa’s bag. And don’t be a cheap bastard. Original Scrooge.”

“Piss off, Aviana.”

They’d been friends for too long for his words to have much, if any, effect.

“Stop sitting on your ass feeling sorry for yourself.” In her usual straightforward way, she went on without waiting for his protest. “Getting out will be good for you. Socialize a little. I’ve been planning this event all year.” Switching to a more dictatorial tone, she issued one of her infamous royal decrees. “I have a ring that needs to be kissed.”

Annoyed as hell, he fired back. “And I have an ass that needs the same thing.”

She hung up on him.

“Fuck.”He despised people who thought they knew what he needed better than he did.

Yet a reluctant, nagging part of him wondered if she had a point.

A few years ago, he’d enjoyed everything about the holidays. And why not? He finally had everything he wanted: a wife and a son, a family of his own.

Watching Trenton marvel at holiday parades and seeing Santa arrive filled Hayes with joy. Happily he’d piled everyone into the car to drive to Galveston for its annual festival of lights. They’d stroll along the meandering paths, sipping hot chocolate as they listened to carolers and marveled at the animated displays.

Life didn’t get better.
