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Without him asking a question, she went on. “Her manager has the flu. So she ended up working an event in downtown.”

They returned their attention to the screen to watch Evan sit in Santa’s chair with a large white bag beside him. His elf assistant stood nearby, handing out candy canes.

Then the obnoxious trumpet sounded again. “Welcome to the Quarter’s Holiday Extravaganza! On Milady’s command, the tree will be lit, and Santa will start reaching into his bag with presents for the naughtiest of attendees.” The man paused to let expectation gather. “You know who you are.”

People in the bar laughed and pointed toward one another.

“Which are you?” Hayes asked Abigail.

She made a small circle above her head. “I’m a veritable saint. You, on the other hand, Master Hayes…”

Master Hayes. Dear fucking God. Up until their wedding night, Susanna had occasionally called him that. But it had never rolled off her tongue with such abiding respect.

He wanted to earn that from Abigail, wanted to deserve it.

“I’m right, aren’t I? More devil than angel?”

“I’ll let you be the judge.”

The crier made another pronouncement. “Our Ladyinviteseveryone to parade past the reviewing stand.”

Aviana’s slaves hurried into place to offer their assistance as she stood. “Join me in our countdown.” Her voice resonated with command. There had to be a microphone hidden somewhere on her outfit, but only her costumer knew where. “Ten!”

The volume and excitement increased with each number.

On one, the tree blazed with color. From overhead, beams from red and green spotlights reflected off the glass and tinsel.

Music once again blasted through the space, and Mistress Aviana regally regained her seat.

Before daring to resume play, attendees—or rather, her subjects—formed a line that would take them past the court and then to Santa.

Abigail glanced at him. “Thank you for the coffee. I need to pay homage, then reopen the booth.” She slid off her chair. “Merry Christmas, Sir.”

Then she vanished into the crowd.

“Merry Christmas, Sir.”For a moment it had been. Maybe he’d glimpsed Christmas present. And it was a whole hell of a lot better than Christmas past.

But now it was gone.

If possible, he was even more lonely and restless than he’d ever been.


Desperate to regain her equilibrium, Abigail hurried into the dungeon and joined the line to greet Mistress Aviana and the rest of the royal court.

Before tonight, she had found Hayes McCall attractive. But now that she’d spent time with him, she saw him in a different, more complex light. She appreciated him braving a crowd for her caffeine fix. The coffee he’d selected had been perfect. But the depth of their conversation and his revelations touched her on an emotional level.

Which made him all the more dangerous —and alluring—to her.

She had been smart to escape when she did. But that didn’t stop her from constantly glancing around, hoping to see him.

The wait seemed interminable, but when she reached the royal court, she marveled all over again at the sight of Mistress Aviana. No detail, from her crown to her makeup and the fit of her catsuit and flashiness of her boots, had been overlooked. Her outfit rivaled any A-lister Abigail had ever seen on the red carpet.

When it was her turn, Abigail curtsied. “Milady.”

“I trust you’re enjoying success at your booth?”

How did she manage to keep track of every member? “It’s been busier than last year. And that was our best yet.”
