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“I’m just getting started.” He slid the silk of her panties back into position. After picking up the crop, he rained tiny smacks up the insides of her thighs, retracing his earlier path.

His taps were lighter still on her belly.

The tiny, soft kisses kept her on the edge that he’d already pushed her to.

“Hold one of your breasts for me.”

Smoldering with the desire he ignited, she reached beneath the gown. Her nipple stood erect as he bounced the silver star off it.

Response arced through her.

“Now the other one.”

She wasn’t sure how long she could endure his terrible, sweet torment.

On and on he went, before he shocked her senseless by gently spanking her clit.

Everything she’d been through reached a crescendo, and she could no longer hold back.

Abigail screamed his name as the most powerful climax of her life rushed through her, leaving her lost in an unending spiral of bliss.

When she opened her eyes, her Dominant stood over her. He brushed strands of hair back from her face, then kissed her forehead.

How was it possible that he knew her body so well when they’d never played before?

Slowly she released her hold on her breast. The amount of attention he’d given her was not nearly enough for her body.

Still close, wearing a triumphant expression, he asked a damning question. “You didn’t come, did you?”

Of course he knew the answer. He’d deliberately, relentlessly driven her that direction.

Abigail took a moment to gather her wits. Though there was no way out of this, she still had to try. “What happened wasn’t my fault.”

“I see.” A tiny smile toyed with his lips. “Are you blaming me for your lack of control?”

Helplessly she clamped her mouth closed.

“And you believe your protests will sway my intentions?”

She wrinkled her nose. “I can hope so, Sir.”

“I assure you, I’ve cataloged your transgression.”

Afraid of that, Abigail blew out a helpless breath.

“We’ll go on. This time the crop will deliver a little bit more of a bite. Let’s explore the other side of your body.”

If her Christmas wish came true, this morning would never end.

Hayes pulled the bottom part of the table back into place, giving her support once again. Then he lifted each of her ankles from the stirrups before helping her to sit up while he laid the table flat once more.

“My next instruction is for you to stand on the step and turn around and bend at the waist. Your stomach will be flat on the table.”

She met his eyes.

His voice resonated with power, and right now he terrified her as much as he thrilled her.

When he offered his hand, she accepted. Immediately he closed his grip. He was so much larger than she was. While she knew how gentle he could be, she had no doubt of his strength.
