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Though they’d started their meal enthusiastically, the food was hearty, and they began to slow down.

“I have a question for you.”

The seriousness of her tone interested him. “Go ahead.”

“I can’t help but wonder about your ring. The stones appear to wink in the light.”

How did he respond? She’d been forthcoming with him, and he owed her something in return. But Titans rarely discussed the existence of their secret society. He opted for the truth, but didn’t reveal more than he had to. “It symbolizes an organization I belong to.”

“Not one I’m familiar with, I’m guessing. Because I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Probably not.”

“And you can’t say more?”

Her question was astute. “Correct.”

“I see.”

If his guess were correct, she wouldn’t rest until she uncovered the mystery. Even though there was more online about the Zeta Society than there ever had been, the vast majority of it was speculation and conjecture. Still, a lot of it was true, including guesses about the identity of some of the members, including world leaders, award-winning authors and playwrights, actors, activists, and even Eldon Misken, a gazillionaire who focused a lot of attention on blasting rockets into outer space.

Their server returned, effectively saving him from answering further questions. The woman didn’t seem at all surprised by how much they had leftover. “Shall I wrap this up for you to take home?”

“Please.” Save him from ordering dinner later. The fewer interruptions he and Abigail had, the better.

When their server delivered the bill and handle bag filled with food, she smiled. “There’s also chocolate pecan pie and homemade pralines in there. Compliments of Emilie.”

Abigail’s eyes lit up. “Are you kidding me? My favorites. Please convey our gratitude.”

He loved the way so many things delighted her.

Once the check was settled, they headed back outside into the remarkably clear, sunny day. Then the car arrived.

Once again, she asked the assistant to play classic Christmas carols on the way to his house on the north side of City Park.

“I love this area of town.”

“It works well for me and Trenton. After the divorce, I downsized, and I wanted a place where he could get outside and run or play. We ride bikes together when the weather permits.”


For the first time he saw his life through her eyes.

Having his family break apart was not what he’d wanted, and he’d loved his previous home in the Garden District.

But the new memories he was creating with his son mattered as well.

Her voice soft, as if she didn’t want to intrude, she asked. “Is he with your ex this weekend?”

“They’re in Aspen with her boyfriend until after the New Year.”

She winced on his behalf. “I’m sorry.”

“So am I.”

Though she said nothing, Abigail gently touched his hand.

“You said you had no kids.” He wanted to know everything he could about her.
