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Startled, Hayes looked up from the computer and smiled. “Hey, Kiddo.”

Rubbing his eyes and holding a stuffed bunny, Trenton walked in.

“Are you hungry?”

With a yawn, Trenton nodded. “Should I get some cereal?”

Hayes glanced at the clock and was surprised by how late it was. “Do you want to go to the pancake place?”

Trenton’s eyes lit up as Hayes had known they would. The place served them stacked high, loaded with chocolate chips and with a smiley face drawn with whipping cream. Thankfully they also had amazing frittatas and skillet dishes. And they poured a mean cup of coffee, something he was still in dire need of. “We can ride bikes.”

Half an hour later they were zipping through the park on their way to breakfast.

Fortunately they were able to get seated after only a short wait. Even though it was after breakfast and before lunch, it seemed a lot of people had the day off work.

On their way back home, Trenton pointed to a gazebo where Santa was seated. There was a short line of excited-looking kids waiting for their turn.

“Daddy, I need to tell Santa I’m back home. I’m afraid he won’t be able to find me.”

“You bet.” Then it occurred to him that his house didn’t look festive, and he had no presents for his son.

Since Susanna hadn’t planned to be in town for the holiday, Hayes had sent her money and told her to order a few things from him. In last night’s rush, he hadn’t thought to pick up the gifts.

Now Christmas was almost here, and he was in danger of disappointing Trenton. The ultimate scrooge-y move.

He locked their bikes onto a nearby rack, and Trenton dashed away to join the line.

Quickly Hayes followed. After all, he needed to eavesdrop on his son’s conversation with Saint Nick.

When Trenton sat on Santa’s lap, the helper snapped photos. Seeing his son so happy after his upset yesterday made every penny of the portraits worth it.

“And what about you?” the helper asked after looking at his ring finger. “Do you have a Christmas wish?”

Unbidden, memories of his nightmares returned to taunt Hayes, and he blinked as if that would clear them.

With relentless determination, the flashbacks persisted.

He realized then how lonely and miserable he’d become, allowing bitterness to seep from his past into the present. Then he glanced at Trenton who was animatedly talking. Finally a possible future teased him. Did he have the courage to seize what his heart knew was right and also make someone else’s dreams come true?

Aware of the woman still regarding him, he cleared his throat. “Sorry?”

“I was asking if you have a Christmas wish of your own?”

“As a matter of fact, I do.”

Now very much focused on Christmas future, which was only two days away, he picked up his phone and pressed a button. After all, what good was it to have an all-knowing chief of staff if he didn’t use its supposedly magnificent powers?

* * *

Because it was the holidays and she was splurging, Abigail left her vehicle with the valet in front of the Maison Sterling.

The stand had a beautiful wreath on it, and the attendants were dressed in red shirts in honor of the season.

As she approached the garland-draped entrance, a man dressed in livery tipped his top hat and called out a holiday greeting as he pulled open the door for her.

“Thank you. And a merry Christmas to you, as well.”
