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As she was walking back to her car, her phone rang.

When she dug out the device from her purse and read the display, her pulse fluttered.Hayes.

Text messages with curt updates weren’t really meaningful to her. But the fact he’d called on Christmas Eve meant the world to her—more so because she knew it was a special time for him and Trenton to bond.

Striving for a calmness she was nowhere close to feeling, she juggled her drink as she swiped the front of her phone to answer his call. “Hayes…?”

“I’ve dreamed of hearing you say my name like that, all breathless and sexy. Even better when you scream it.”

His words, his tone, his sexy implications were a potent aphrodisiac. She had to stop walking so she didn’t drop her cup.

“I miss you, Abigail.”

“You too.” The admission was out before she could stop it.

“This is a lot to ask…”

For her to give him more space or time? That they only hook up when he was free to visit the club? Those were the fears that had prevented her from falling asleep last night.

“Trenton wants to make cookies.”

That was the last thing she expected him to say. “You could go to the market for the ones in the refrigerated section. You just unwrap them, slice, and bake.”

“This is one of the things he wants for Christmas.” He paused. “To leave out for Santa. Otherwise he won’t get any presents tonight. He was already fretting that his gifts would be delivered to the Aspen house.”

Poor kid. “You reassured him, right?”

“Trust you to worry about that. That’s one of the things I adore about you.”

Oneof the things?

“All this is a roundabout way of asking if you will make cookies with him.”

“What?” After the way Kevin had refused to allow her to engage with his kids…? “Are you sure that’s a good idea? He just had a bad experience with your ex’s boyfriend.”

“I told him you were a teacher and that yourcookiesare the best on the planet.”

Oh Lord. He’d laced the word with sensual inuendo.

“For now, he doesn’t need to know anything else. We can move slowly.”

But he’d offered a glimpse of a future she didn’t dare wish for.

Making cookies with him and his son might end up being more painful than anything else she’d experienced.

Should she chance it?

If she fell even deeper in love with Hayes, only to have him and Trenton disappear from her life, would she survive the heartbreak?

She sought out a park bench as her own realizations slammed into her.


When had she fallen in love with Hayes?

It might have been the most ridiculous thing she’d ever done. After all, he probably wouldn’t return the emotion.

“Abigail? Are you still there?”
