Page 119 of Finding Sunshine

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“I hate that my dad died and won’t get to see Emmett and Knox happy with their significant others. He won’t get to see Ember grow up. But I love working on the farm and being close to my family.”

I wanted to know if he’d realized his dream of owning a contracting business. When we used to talk, he mentioned his internal conflict about working at the farm and pursuing his own dreams. I’d bet that had intensified since his father died.

“I’m sorry about your dad, but I’m glad that things seemed to have worked out for you. And I’m sorry about confronting you about the lights. I thought there were teenagers out here drinking beer and causing trouble.” That didn’t explain why I continued to yell at him when I realized who it was. That was my frustration with seeing him again and my traitorous heart that picked up at the sight of him.

“It’s okay.”

I threw my thumb over my shoulder. “I should head back. I have a lot to do.”

Something passed over his face, a hint of longing. It was so quick I almost thought I’d imagined it.

“I’ll stop by to check your place tomorrow.”

There was no point in arguing. Heath was stubborn.

“I’d appreciate that.”

When we were teens, our relationship felt exhilarating because it was forbidden. I’d wondered over the years if that’s why my connection to Heath felt different. But now that I’d run into him again, I still felt that undeniable pull. He was like a magnet I couldn’t help but be drawn to. But I knew if I got too close, there was the possibility I’d get burned.

I needed to stay away from him so I wouldn’t be sucked into his vortex. Nothing good could come from getting close to a man who’d hurt me in the past.

Only a fool would do something like that.

Read Reviving Hearts. It’s available now on Lea’s Shop for 30% off with coupon code: REVIVINGHEARTS30.

I’ve inherited my grandmother’s Inn and I have no choice but to go back. It’s not as simple as just selling the property, it needs to be renovated first. When the realtor said he knew just the guy, I never suspected it would be Heath. The moment he steps back into my life, I can’t deny that the attraction is even greater than it was all those years ago.
