Page 87 of Reviving Hearts

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“This is fine,” Marley said as she took the mug and blew over the top.

I sat next to her, admiring our new tree and the lights. “This is perfect.”

The night. The tree. Marley. I didn’t want it to end.

Marley shifted so that she was facing me. “What about earlier?”

“I said you didn’t have to respond. I’m not upset that you’re not ready.”

Marley’s eyes fluttered closed. “I think I could get there. When I closed my eyes and imagined the future, it was living here with you and your family.”

Hope soared in my chest. “I can be patient.”

Her eyes opened. “I don’t know what to do about the inn.”

“Wait until we’re finished with the renovations. Then you can see it and decide.” I was hoping that it would spark some desire inside her to continue her grandmother’s legacy. The inn and the property were a tie to the area and me, but I wasn’t sure it was necessary. If she loved me, or could love me, wouldn’t that be enough?

Marley sighed. “Aiden will be home soon. What will we tell him?”

“That I love you and want a future with you.” It sounded simple when I said my intentions out loud, but I wasn’t sure how Aiden would take it.

Her forehead wrinkled. “You don’t think he’ll be upset?”

“I’m sure he will be. I hope our friendship can survive it.” He’d emailed me a few times over the last few months, and each time, I gave him updates on the renovations to the inn and the farm, but I hadn’t mentioned that his sister was staying in my house.

I don’t know what Marley told him. But I was positive she hadn’t come clean with him either.

The next few weeks were a whirlwind. I was juggling the renovation at the inn and ensuring the farm was running smoothly. We’d hired more help than ever before, but I liked to be on-site as much as possible. The only problem was I needed to be at the inn and the farm, and I couldn’t do both.

Marley kept busy taking photographs and posting online. The photos with the puppies in the shop were a big hit. Everyone who came those first few days mentioned it and asked to see them. We set them up in a little pen near the barn where we could keep an eye on them, and the customers could interact with them, too.

We’d need to train them so they could be off-leash on the farm and avoid the cars and trucks on the lane.

The floors, paint, and closets were complete in the inn. We were tearing out the bathrooms and kitchen next. Emmett and Knox were helping me work on the gardens, the fountain, and other things we’d decided on.

Marley hadn’t approved this design, so I hoped she’d be okay with it. If anything, it was closer to what she originally wanted—her dream garden if she was going to stay here. We weren’t charging her for the upgrade since she hadn’t approved it. But anyone who purchased the property would appreciate it.

It raised the inn to the next level. I just hoped it was enough to get her to stay. I told her I loved her every night and first thing in the morning, but she hadn’t said it back. I tried not to let it bother me. I knew love was hard for her and that she believed she hadn’t experienced it to know what it was. But I hoped she’d feel what I did soon.

If she didn’t love me, didn’t like the renovations to the inn, and Aiden was against our relationship, then I wouldn’t have much going in my favor.

I couldn’t imagine Marley not staying at the cabin or walking the property with her ever-present camera hung around her neck. She seemed to enjoy the farm and was excited to post her pictures on social media. She was working with Hanna to start a blog and write the newsletters that went out.

I was near the barn, ensuring that the line to trim the trees and wrap them was running smoothly. Ember ran up to Sebastian, who was helping since it was a Saturday.

She tugged on his hand. “I’m bored. Can we go?”

“You know I need to work for a few more hours.”

“Why don’t you have her hang out with Addy and Sarah?” I asked him.

Seb frowned. “It’s not fair to ask them to watch Ember, too.”

“What are you going to do, then? Mom and Ireland are working in the shop. We’re all here or at our other jobs. The only option is Sarah.”

“I’ll think of something. Maybe I’ll get a nanny.”

Ember’s expression fell. “I don’t want a nanny. I want you.”
