Page 40 of Tempted and Taken

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Had he paused after “yourself”?

“But I take care of what’s mine, and in this bedroom, you are mine. Understand?”

She nodded again because, quite frankly, speech was beyond her at this point. Christ, the entire conversation had taken place with Matt still buried to the hilt inside her.

Matt held her gaze for a moment longer, and though she didn’t have a clue what the hell he saw on her face, apparently it convinced him that she got it.

Withdrawing several inches, Matt shoved back in, resuming the relentless, glorious pace he’d set before. Liza never moved her hands from where he’d placed them on the pillow, even though he wasn’t holding them there.

She didn’t need her hands anyway.

Her orgasm fluttered back to life and Matt, the clever bastard, put his money where his mouth was. His fingers stroked her clit with the perfect amount of pressure and speed, and all Liza could do was hold on for the ride as she splintered into a million sparkling pieces.

Her vision went white, which felt wrong because she wasn’t entirely sure she hadn’t blacked out for a few seconds.

When she recovered enough to notice her surroundings, she discovered Matt was still fucking her, still taking her like a man possessed.

“Fuck!” she cried as a harder, more piercing climax struck, this one taking Matt down with it.

He fell to his elbows, his labored breathing hot on her face. He remained inside her, neither of them in a hurry to part. His dick, even soft, made her feel full.

After what felt like ages, he lifted his head, his face inches from hers. He hadn’t kissed her through the entire thing, and suddenly it occurred to her that she wanted that, she missed it.

Matt’s eyes were locked with hers. “Stay with me in Hawaii.”

His invitation took her by surprise, though perhaps it shouldn’t have. He’d expressed an interest in a sexual relationship with her, and she’d obviously given him the all systems go when she wiggled her ass.

“Is that a request or a command?” she asked with a grin.


She laughed at his succinct reply. “Okay. But just so you know, it’s not very professional.”

Matt smiled widely, the happy expression rare enough that it took Liza’s breath away. Because Matt’s hotness factor increased a thousand percent when he smiled.

Her agreement acquired, Matt pulled away, climbing out of bed and walking to the bathroom to dispose of the condom.

Liza considered washing up, but her bones had been liquified, and she wasn’t sure she could walk if she tried.

She lay there in the quiet of the room, the hum of the plane engines’ white noise in the background. She had no idea if they’d had any more turbulence, the two of them shaking the bed enough to overshadow everything happening around them.

Liza stared at the ceiling, letting what she’d just done sink in.

She’d slept with Matt again. More than that, she’d agreed to an affair with him. An affair neither of them had put any timeline on. She supposed that took them out of the enemies category and put them in the—hmm—fuck buddies one?

She waited for the regret to show up, but so far, nothing.

Given her expansive backlog of disappointing, lukewarm sexual encounters, she suspected it would take some time before regret reared its head because she wasn’t a bit sorry about anything that happened in this bed, too overwhelmed by the desire to do it all again.

Of course, Matt had fucked her to within an inch of her life, so she should probably give herself a bye on thinking too deeply about anything tonight.

The bathroom door opened and Matt returned, naked as the day he was born.

God, he was gorgeous. His smirk proved he knew she was appreciating the view, but she didn’t bother playing innocent. Just gave him a smirk of her own, shamelessly winking as he climbed back into bed with her.

Matt drew the duvet they’d kicked off over them, twisting her away from him and spooning her the way he had earlier.

“Good night, Matt,” she whispered, her eyelids suddenly very heavy.
