Page 46 of Tempted and Taken

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Matt held her there until the last vestiges of his climax faded and his cock softened. Then he pulled out, Liza seemingly reluctant to let him go. The image of her trying to keep him inside her mouth was too much for him. Reaching down, he dragged her from the floor, pushing her backward until her knees hit the edge of the mattress. Quickly, he untied her hands, tossing her bikini top to the floor.

With a strong hand on her shoulder, he urged her back and lifted her legs, placing her feet flat on the edge of the mattress before shoving her knees apart.

Matt dropped between her legs, taking Liza like a man possessed, fucking her with his tongue, his teeth, his lips. Stroking her clit rapidly with his thumb, he drove his tongue inside her, Liza squirming beneath him. He wasn’t the only one out of his mind with need.

He hadn’t misread her desire during the blow job. Her orgasm struck quickly, her back arching as she cried out loudly. Matt drew the climax out, keeping pressure on her clit, tasting her arousal, feeling her pussy clench against his tongue.

It was Liza’s hands on his head, weakly trying to push him away, that finally had him retreating.

“Too much,” she gasped. “Too good!”

Matt helped her into the middle of the bed, claiming the spot next to her. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he murmured, “Nap, shower, dinner.”

Liza mumbled something he couldn’t make out in reply, and he realized she’d beat him to the first item on his list. Her eyes closed, her breathing slow and steady.

It didn’t take Matt more than a minute to join her there, his last contradictory thoughts wavering between an awestruck “holy fuck” and then just plain “fuck.”

The constant drip-drip-drip of water.

Dark red blood congealed on the snowy-white tiles.

The blue-tinged skin of a lifeless arm.

“No! No! No!”

Look deeper.

* * *

Matt bolted straight up in bed, beads of sweat running down the side of his face, his heart racing, his lungs tight with anguish. It took him a full minute before he recalled where he was. Then he hastily glanced down, relieved he hadn’t woken Liza, her bare back turned toward him, the sheet pooling around her waist.

They’d accomplished the nap earlier and the second thing on his list—a shower—but because it had been a joint one, during which he’d pushed her face-first against the wall, fucking her from behind as the steamy water streamed over them, they’d opted for room service rather than trying one of the restaurants Johnnie had suggested for dinner.

They’d fed each other in bed, then fucked twice more before falling asleep together.

The nightmares he’d suffered after his mother’s suicide had subsided after his father passed away, and Matt had foolishly believed that Dante Russo’s unmourned departure from this world had freed him from them.

For ten years, he’d cockily believed his past sins had been laid to rest with Dad.

Then Gage fell in love with Penny, and Matt learned that his brother blamed himself for Mom’s suicide.

That realization had ripped a hole in the space-time continuum, Matt’s guilt returning full force, eating him alive.

So…for the past year, the nightmares had begun again. Not as frequently as all those years ago, but they still packed a punch whenever they struck, taking Matt down hard.

Asking Liza to stay with him in his suite had been a mistake, not just because it was blurring the lines between what this thing between them was and what it had to be. But because he’d left himself vulnerable.

Carefully rising so as not to wake her, he walked to the bathroom to splash cold water on his face. Returning, he walked past the bed, moving into the living room. Grabbing a blanket, he lay down on the couch.

He should never have started this. He knew better than to play with a fire he couldn’t contain, but she’d been too fucking tempting, and he’d truly believed he could take her without paying a price.

All he’d proven was that he was powerless when it came to Liza Moretti.

Time to put on the brakes, to put this Matt Russo—the one wearing a false face—away and introduce Liza to the man he truly was.

He was going to put their fate in her hands, because before this week was over, she’d do what he couldn’t.

Walk away forever.
