Page 56 of Tempted and Taken

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She glared at him. “Are you serious right now?”

“Test me. I dare you.”

Angry sparks flared between them. He’d thought she was pissed off last night, but that anger didn’t hold a candle to this rage.

Good. There was no reason he should be the only one on the cusp of outright fury.

Perhaps if that was all he felt, he’d back off, but mingled with all that fury was so much arousal, he was surprised the two of them weren’t drowning in it.

Liza stopped resisting, following him off the floor and to their table.

“Get your purse,” he barked.

She grabbed it as Matt looked over at Arnold, who was still standing in the same spot, watching them with a great deal of interest.

“Thanks for dinner,” Matt said, working hard to sound polite and failing. “We’re looking forward to the wedding tomorrow.”

Why did he use the pronoun “we?” He should have said “I.”

“You two have a good night,” Arnold replied with a knowing, too-pleased grin. Matt was pretty sure he’d been invited to this wedding as part of the older man’s matchmaking scheme. Matt should be pissed about that. Instead, he felt like taking Arnold out for a big-ass steak dinner as thanks.

Liza opened her mouth to speak, but Matt didn’t trust what she planned to say, so he quickly guided her toward the exit of the restaurant. Johnnie and Arnold had booked the entire thing for their rehearsal dinner, the sign on the door they walked through proclaiming the place was closed for a private party.

Fortunately, it was less than a block away from the hotel. Once outside, Matt released her neck, lowering his hand to her back. He expected her to twist away from his grip and give him holy hell, so he was pleasantly surprised when she let it remain there.

Neither of them spoke as they walked. Matt tried to get his jealousy under control, but it was an emotion he had no experience with. None at all.

Entering the hotel and crossing the foyer, he fought to take several deep breaths, but they didn’t help. Especially when the two of them entered the suite and Liza slammed the door closed.

“What the hell is your prob?—”

That was as much as she managed to say before he shoved her against the closed door, crushing her with a bruising kiss.

It was their first kiss since New Year’s.

That wasn’t a fluke. It was by design.

Matt had specifically avoided her lips, treating them like his own personal Bermuda Triangle. Sex with Liza posed enough of a risk, but adding the intimacy of kissing?

Now that the gate had been opened, Matt was screwed six ways to Sunday, but he didn’t give a shit. She tasted like wine and dessert, like home and happiness, like sunshine and…

Her tongue stroked his as he reached beneath her knee, lifting one of her legs, driving his crotch against her panties-clad pussy. She’d worn a sundress to the rehearsal dinner, one with spaghetti straps, which meant he’d spent too much of the night thinking about the fact she wasn’t wearing a bra.

Her hands looped around his neck as she tilted her hips toward him.

She turned her head away, breaking the kiss. Matt growled because he was nowhere near finished with her lips. He grasped her jaw, turning her face back to his.

“Stop manhandling me,” she said, though there was no force behind the words. She didn’t help her case when her gaze dropped to his mouth as she licked her lips. Then she completely lost the argument when she initiated the next kiss. It was all tongue, teeth, and hot breaths.

Matt pulled away next. “You were flirting with another man.”

They were the worst words he could possibly say because they made what was happening here a hell of a lot less fuzzy. Shit, with one sentence, he’d granted her twenty-twenty vision. He tried to erase his faux pas with another kiss, one that started at her lips and continued along her cheek to her ear, down the side of her neck.

“It’s a free world,” she responded. “And I’m a free woman.”

Oh yeah. Fuck that.

He released her, dropping her leg, but only so that he could grab the hem of her sundress, ripping it over her head in one rough pull. Liza’s response was to grip his neck once more, pulling him back for another explosive kiss.
