Page 62 of Tempted and Taken

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He drew the clamp toward her tight, cold nipple. No pause. No questioning look. He’d given her the safe word, so he clearly didn’t feel the need to double-check for her willingness. If she didn’t want it, all she had to say was red.

Hell would freeze over first.

Or that was what she thought. Until he snapped the clamp onto her nipple, and she gasped in pain. She panicked for a moment, afraid she’d broken the no-talking rule because she’d screamed out a few curse words. Mercifully, she realized they’d all been in her head.

Matt admired his work for a moment, then lifted his gaze. “Take a deep breath. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Give your body a chance to adjust.”

She didn’t see that happening, even as she followed his instructions. Three breaths later, she was still tempted to say the word. Until Matt jiggled the ruby with his finger, toying with it. “Beautiful.”

His word was the salve, the stinging pain fading away until it almost felt as if her nipple had its own heartbeat. It pulsed in time with the quivering of her pussy, and she knew there was no way she was going to make it through this without breaking his rule, without begging him to take her.

Matt, adept at reading her, must have sensed the tide had turned because he grabbed what remained of the first piece of ice and repeated the same torturous process on the other nipple. This time, when he snapped the second clamp on, she was better prepared, already utilizing his deep breathing techniques. It still stung, but it was tolerable because she knew what was on the other side.

Once both nipples were clamped, Matt rose from the bed, crossing to her suitcase.

He’d discovered her vibrator by accident earlier today. She’d just gotten out of the shower when she realized she had forgotten clean panties. She’d called out to Matt, who was dressing in the bedroom, asking if he would grab a pair from her suitcase. When he’d entered the bathroom with an amused smirk, she’d known he was up to something before he said a word.

Leaning in the doorway between the bathroom and bedroom, he’d watched as she slipped on her panties and bra.

“Do you always travel with your vibrator?” he’d asked with a shit-eating grin.

Liza had groaned, then started to confess the truth. “Not usually, but my sex drive has been in full swing since the night of the…” She’d paused, mentally kicking herself for not playing it cool. After all, Matt was a huge flight risk.

He’d filled in the blanks for himself, then admitted, “I’ve had the same problem since the gala.”

They’d grinned at each other like a couple of lovestruck fools, then he’d continued getting dressed for the wedding, and he hadn’t mentioned it again until their first dance at the reception.

Returning to the bed, he stopped at the foot of the mattress, crawling onto it between her outstretched legs.

Matt ran his fingers along her slit, lifting the shiny tips up for her to see. “Nice and wet,” he reported, before turning on the toy. It was a standard vibrator—no bells or whistles. It had three speeds and was a decent enough size that—when paired with her recent fantasies of Matt—it managed to do the trick quite efficiently.

She expected Matt to push it inside her, so she jerked—startled—when he pressed the vibrating tip against her clit.

A rush of air and a loud moan escaped. “Oh God,” she gasped, her eyes closed, her hips shifting as much as the ties on her legs would allow.

Her eyes flew open when the toy was silenced instantly.


She wasn’t supposed to speak. It was on the tip of her tongue to apologize, but that was more talking, and she didn’t know what was better. Saying sorry or following his order.

In the end, she opted for silence.

Matt studied her, let her squirm—both with need and discomfort—then he nodded just once. “Good girl.”

This time, the only thing those words provoked in her was happiness, and she smiled.

Matt turned the toy back on, pressing it to her clit, circling the sensitive nub until Liza was out of her mind, biting her lip so hard to hold back the pleas, she was shocked she wasn’t bleeding.

While the stimulation was amazing, it wasn’t enough. She needed more. Preferably him. Inside her.

Her breathing was labored, her body covered with a sheen of sweat. When did the room get so damn hot?

“Don’t come, Liza.”

The second he forbade it, her body responded, and suddenly she was aware she could come exactly like this, without anything inside her.

That wasn’t good.
