Page 70 of Sleep No More

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“No.”She stared at him, horrified.

He groaned and closed his eyes. “Shit. I just went down a very bad road, didn’t I?” He opened his eyes. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say.”

His regret and pain and, above all, his soul-deep weariness broke through her shock. She relaxed and put her hand on the table.

“No sex involved,” she said, going for light and reassuring. “I was going to suggest that you let me try to balance your energy field.”

“What does that mean?”

“I’m not sure,” she admitted. “But I’ve had a few experiences that make me think I can temporarily calm a person’s energy. I might be able to help you go to sleep and stay asleep.”


“I don’t know. The first time I did it was in Saltwood. The killergrabbed me, intending to slit my throat. The instant he touched me I felt his sick vibe and I somehow flattened it. The media and the police said he appeared to have suffered a stroke or a heart attack. I didn’t try to correct that impression but I knew that wasn’t what really happened.”

“What do you think happened?” Ambrose asked.

“I’m not sure, but I could feel him lose consciousness. It was as if I had flipped a light switch. You want the truth? I think I might have killed him.”

To her astonishment, Ambrose looked amused.

“Is that supposed to reassure me?” he asked.

“I’m trying to explain that there may be some risk involved.”

“Any other practical experience?”

“Yes, one other incident you should know about. I told you that I found out Theo was cheating on me.”

“I remember.”

“It was a rather dramatic moment. I opened the supply closet to get some new sketching pencils and I discovered Theo and one of the junior architects inside. Let’s just say they were not talking about the differences between the Rem Koolhaas and Frank Lloyd Wright aesthetics.”

“Understood,” Ambrose said.

“What followed was a massive quarrel. At one point Theo grabbed my arm and wouldn’t let go.” Pallas hesitated. “I... made him release me.”

“With your energy-balancing vibe?”

“Yes. I didn’t take it as far with him as I did with the killer in Saltwood, but I’m sure I could have achieved the same result. What’s more, Theo knew I was doing something to him. I could see the shock and fear in his eyes. That’s the real reason he’s scared of me now. Hedoesn’t understand what really happened. I’m sure he tells himself it was his imagination. But deep down, yes, I terrified him.”

“Are you proposing to knock me out?” Ambrose said, his tone very dry. “Render me unconscious? I don’t think that constitutes a good night’s sleep.”

She smiled. “No, I’m suggesting you let me balance your energy field the way I would the energy in a house or a room. I’ll just rearrange the furniture. Repaint a couple of the walls. You’d be amazed how much difference a fresh coat of paint can make.”

He stretched out his hand. “Why not?”

She threaded her fingers through his, gripped his hand very tightly, and heightened her talent.


Conrad Fenner unlockedthe front door of the small house, walked into the hall, turned on the light—and stopped short when he saw the package on the floor. It was wrapped in brown paper, just as the other shipments had been. No address. No postage. No shipping label. It had been hand delivered.

Just like the other shipments.

The relief hit him so hard it left him feeling shaky and light-headed. He set the briefcase on the floor and used both hands to pick up the package. He carried it into the kitchen and placed it carefully on the round wooden table.

He sat down and took a moment to catch his breath. The research trial would go forward. The anonymous donor he and Moore and Guthrie had dubbed Mr.Knight apparently did not yet know that Ambrose Drake and a podcaster named Llewellyn were in town asking questions. Or maybe he wasn’t concerned because the situation was under control.
