Page 80 of Sleep No More

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“The Lost Night Filesisn’t interested in an embezzlement case, either,” Pallas said. “All we care about is what was going on at the Institute.”

“It occurs to me,” Ambrose said quietly, “that with the death of Conrad Fenner, there won’t be much going on at the Carnelian Sleep Institute. It’s not even a crime scene, because Fenner’s death is being attributed to an overdose.”

“I think I know where this is going,” Pallas said.

“I want to take a look around before someone decides to clean out the desks and archive the files.”


“No. Campus security or a passerby would notice a flashlight inside. I doubt if Jodi Luckhurst or the mean-looking receptionist will be at work tomorrow. With Fenner dead, the Institute is out of business. But just in case, it would be best to go in early in the morning. If someone sees me I can always say I’m a patient and had a follow-up appointment.”

“I don’t think that will work for both of us.”

“It won’t,” Ambrose said. “That’s why I’m going to go in alone. If I’m caught I can talk my way out of it.”

“I don’t like it.”

“Got a better idea?”

She reflected briefly. “No.”

He looked down at his empty plate. “What was that?”

“Beef bourguignon without the beef.”

“Is that a thing?”

“It is if you lean vegetarian.”

“I didn’t used to lean vegetarian until I met you,” Ambrose said.

“Believe it or not, I figured that out pretty quick.”

“Probably your psychic vibe in action.”



They walked backto the hotel through a muffling cloak of damp fog. When Ambrose reached for her hand, Pallas gave it to him without comment. She told herself he was just being nice. Polite. Gracious. He understood her tendency to stumble over unseen storms of energy and was literally offering a helping hand.

As if she was a fragile little old lady who needed help crossing the street. Damn.

She yanked her hand out of his and shoved her fingers into the pocket of her coat.

Ambrose came to a halt. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m okay,” she shot back, suddenly furious for no reason. She stopped and glared. “I’m not frail. You don’t have to hold my hand because you’re afraid I’m going to trip and fall at any moment. I managed to survive the side effects of my other vision before I met you. I’m capable of walking down a sidewalk without you.”

“Where’s this coming from? A few minutes ago we were having a nice dinner—okay, it was a vegetarian dinner, but it was still nice—and now you’re acting like I insulted you. I think I deserve an explanation.”

She groaned and closed her eyes. “You do. I know it appears as if I’m behaving irrationally.”

“I wasn’t going to mention it. I may not be the brightest member of the Drake family, but I’m not that dumb.”

She opened her eyes and glared. “That is not funny.”

“It was a statement of fact. Do you want to tell me why you acted as if I burned your hand?”
