Page 2 of Savage Alpha

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“Thought I told you I was busy!” Alpha Paul snarls as he pulls the door ajar, his aging face twisted in a deep scowl. He’s shirtless and sweaty, the paunch of his belly sticking out above the unfastened button of his jeans. He used to be in top physical form, but like I said, he’s grown complacent.

My nose twitches as the heady smell of sex wafts from the room. Cruel blue eyes meet mine as Alpha Paul stares me down while clutching the edge of the door, only holding it open a few inchesso I can’t see inside. Though the scent alone tells me what he’s been ‘busy’ with.

My stomach churns and I slap a palm against the door, ripping it from his grasp and slamming it open while he shouts a curse in objection. It bangs loudly against the interior wall and I shoulder past him roughly to step inside, freezing in my tracks as my whole world comes crashing to a screeching halt.

Cheyenne is perched upon the bed, her amber eyes vacant and her stringy golden blonde hair falling limply over her bare shoulders. She’s clutching the sheets to her chest, a trail of deep red blood streaming from the junction of her neck and shoulder and soaking into the edge of the cheap white cotton.

“Chey…” I breathe, stunned disbelief rooting me in place.

She doesn’t look up. She just keeps staring numbly at the wall across from her, lower lip trembling, fisting the sheets so tightly to her chest that her knuckles have gone white.

“What did you do?” I growl as I turn back on Alpha Paul, only to find a smug smirk of satisfaction stretched across his lips.

“That girlfriend of yours was always too mouthy, so I figured it was high time to put that mouth to good use,” he drawls, shuffling closer to clap me on the shoulder jovially. “I wasn’t going to mate her, but she was practically begging for it.”

That explains the blood between her neck and shoulder. Apparently it wasn’t enough for him to just assault her, he fuckingmarkedher.

White-hot rage sears through my veins, my body vibrating with raw energy.

There’s no doubt in my mind that I’m the reason he did this. I’ve been more vocal lately about his shortcomings as Alpha and as my closest friend and confidant, Chey always had my back when I spoke up. She’s not my girlfriend, she’s mybestfriend; practically my sister. And this is the worst thing he could’ve done to punish her for insubordination.

Cheyenne Clark is a romantic at heart. Although fated mates are rare, she truly believes she’ll find hers someday. She was saving herself for him.

Alpha Paul leans in closer to me, his putrid breath fanning my cheek as he chuckles cruelly. “I thought for sure you’d gotten in there first. Imagine my surprise when she bled all over my cock.”

I spin on him with a roar of rage, shoving at his chest as hard as I can. He throws out his arms in defense, trying and failing to catch himself on the doorframe as he’s propelled backwards. A string of incoherent curses leaves his lips as he falls outside, his ass hitting the pavement while a collective gasp rises up from the rest of the pack.

“Alpha!” Carter shouts in alarm as he rushes over, grabbing for Paul’s arm to help him up.

He slaps his beta’s hand away angrily. “Get the fuck off me!”

Carter flinches back, quieting.


Just as Paul doesn’t deserve to be Alpha, Carter doesn’t deserve to be Beta. He was only given the position because Paul knows he’s a yes-man who won’t deign to step up to him. Neither of them are suited to lead this pack. They’ve been running it into the ground.

Alpha Paul lumbers to his feet, yanking up his jeans along the way and fastening the button. “That was a real fuckin’ stupid thing to do, boy,” he snarls, narrowing his angry eyes on mine. “Have you forgotten that I’m your Alpha?”

“You’re no Alpha,” I seethe, taking a threatening step in his direction. “You aren’t fit to lead this pack.”

He barks out a laugh, glancing around at the gathered crowd. They’re all watching us intently, murmuring to one another under their breath as they watch our confrontation unfold before their eyes. Alpha Paul holds out his arms, gesturing wildly. “What, you think someone else can run it better?”

I take another step toward him, leveling him with a glare. “I can.”

The rest of the pack falls so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

Paul returns his gaze to me with a scoff, rolling his eyes.

He underestimates me.

He shouldn’t.

“You really think you can challenge me, boy?” he asks with a wry chuckle, folding his beefy forearms over his chest and tipping his head cockily.

The man is far too arrogant for his own good. An Alpha should be observant, keeping a pulse on everything going on within their pack. Paul isn’t. He hasn’t noticed that I’ve been bulking up, building my strength in preparation for this very moment.

While he’s spent the last few years lazing about, flexing his power as Alpha to get people to cater to his every whim and assaulting the she-wolves in our pack as a sick way to doleout punishment, I’ve been training, knowing this day would eventually come. And knowing when it did, I’d have to be ready.

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