Page 44 of Savage Alpha

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Because that’s the catch of the squad leader initiation- the person has to go in blind. Though I doubt Madd will be able to resist giving Sloane a heads-up about what she’s in for.

I start to drift off in my own thoughts again, fingers toying with the end of the braid over my shoulder as I try to decide what to wear for my next meet-up with Javi. I’ve never put so much planning into my outfits before, but the look on Javi’s face every time I walk into the cabin makes the extra effort worth it. He always eyes me up like I’m a meal to be devoured.

I mean, I know I’m conventionally attractive, but I’ve never really thought of myself assexyor desirable. Javi brings out a different side of me, though- a side that I’m really starting to like. I’ve never felt more empowered and beautiful than I do when Javi gives me thatlook. And when he kisses me, when he touches me…

“You alright, babe?” Avery asks, setting her hand on my arm.

I whip my head around with a start, nodding quickly. “Yeah, fine,” I breathe, sweeping my gaze around the conference table to see the rest of my friends eyeing me suspiciously.

“This whole Javi thing is driving you crazy, isn’t it?” she asks.

My throat tightens in panic as I snap my gaze back to hers. “What do you mean?”

“You’re clearly working yourself too hard,” she says sympathetically, giving my arm a little squeeze. “Have you been getting enough sleep? Maybe you should take a couple days off, let the other IT geeks pick up the slack.”

“No, I’m fine, really,” I insist, forcing a smile that doesn’t quite meet my eyes. “And I’ve been sleeping better than ever lately.”

It isn’t even a lie. Nightly orgasms tend to have that effect on a girl.

“Alright, well let us know if there’s anything we can do to help,” Avery urges, giving my arm another light squeeze before pulling her hand back.

“While we’re on the topic, is there anything new to report from IT?” Madd asks, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table and steepling his tattooed fingers.

“No, but I’ve found a new angle,” I say, sliding right into business mode. “The surveillance patrols have been snapping photos of their pack for me, and as soon as I finish hacking into a facial recognition database, I’m going to upload them and see if we can get some more names to research.”

Madd sits up straighter, his interest piqued. “When do you think you’ll be able to hack in?”


I shrug a shoulder. “Within the next few days, probably.”

“Keep it up,” he quips, nodding in satisfaction. “And in the meantime, I say we invite him over again. Maybe Sloane can pick up a vision if she spends more time around him, or at the very least, we can fish for a little more info about where he’s been.”

“Plus, he’s a good time,” my brother adds. “He fits in pretty well with us, don’t ya think?”

“We could invite him to the party,” Ares suggests.

Tristan wrinkles his nose. “For Sloane’s initiation?”

“That’s supposed to be abouther,” Madd says defensively.

“And wasn’t she the one who was allTeam Javiwhen the council discussed his request to join the alliance?” Ares points out. “She’d probably love if he was included.”

“That’s actually true,” Avery mumbles, sharing a glance with her brother across the table. “It could earn you some brownie points.”

“I don’t need brownie points,” he scoffs. “She’s mymate.”

“Yeah? And you didn’t gather up all the candles you could find in the packhouse because you’re planning something romantic as fuck for that night, did you?” she teases, tossing him a wink.

Ares cackles a laugh, falling back in his chair, while Archer delivers a sharp jab to his bicep to signal for him to knock it off.

Madd’s fists clench atop the table, but he doesn’t go off like most of us expect him to. He just takes a deep breath, unfurling his fists and setting his palms flat against the wooden tabletop. “Alright, sure. I’ll invite him to the party,” he says calmly.

Damn, maybe getting Sloane back and completing the mate bond reallyhaschanged him for the better.

That thought is short-lived, though, because then it sinks in that my own mate and I will have to pretend like we’re strangers in front of my friends once again, and a sick feeling starts curling in my gut.

I mean, at least I have a heads up this time, but that doesn’t make lying to the people I’m closest to any easier. I’m already starting to worry that Andie suspects something based on some of the questions she asked about Javi after the bar the other night.

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