Page 49 of Savage Alpha

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The way Avery’s dancing with Javi is making me crazy with jealousy, and Ares has it bad for Avery so he’s dancing with me to try to make her jealous, but instead it’s clearly making Javi jealous… it’s all just a big freaking mess, really.

Avery spins around so she can rub her ass on Javi, but she stops short, drawing a sharp gasp when she sees my face. “Lo, your wolf…”

If there was any question as to whether my wolf’s making herself known in my irises, Avery’s reaction confirms it. My inner animal is way too close to the surface, and if I don’t want to risk snapping and attacking my friend, then I need to remove myself from this situation immediately.

I shove Ares away, abruptly turning around and storming off toward the back exit of the ballroom. I’m so pissed off right now that I can hardly see straight. My hands are shaking with fury, and I’m barely keeping it together as I push through the door into the large stairwell, the sounds of the party fading as it swings closed behind me.

I advance a few steps inside and slam my back against the wall, plunging my hands into my hair and dragging in a deep breath.

I can’t do this.

I’d rather be alone forever than feel how I do right now, like my heart’s being ripped down the middle. It’s not fair that Sloane and Madd get to flaunt their relationship while I have to hide my own just because of who Javi is. It’s not fair that I’m forced to keep this secret from my friends because the truth would undermine my credibility in doing my job. It’s not fuckingfair.

The door to the stairwell suddenly bangs open, Javi pushing through looking just as worked up as I am.

He doesn’t say a word- he just stalks toward me like a predator, on me in two seconds flat. He grabs me roughly by the nape and yanks me in, slamming his lips against mine and stealing my breath.

I melt against him as he ravages my mouth, drinking him in like I’m dying of thirst. But then my brain catches up to my body and I remember how pissed off I am, pressing my palms against his chest and shoving him away.

Javi stumbles back a step, eyes wild and his wolf gleaming gold in his irises.

“Did you really have to dance with her?” I demand.

“Did you have to dance withhim?” he fires back.

“I’m not interested in Ares.”

“And I’m not interested in Avery.”

“That’s not what it looked like,” I grumble, scowling.

Javi blows out an exasperated breath, stepping toward me again and reaching up to cup my cheek. “You know you’re the only one for me,Preciosa.”

“Do I?” I challenge, narrowing my eyes on him suspiciously.

I don’t think I’d realized how much I’d grown to trust Javi in such a short time until right now, when it’s suddenly in question.

Do I even really know him at all?

His thumb strokes against my cheek as he stares into my eyes. “You want me to prove it? I’ll get on my knees right now and worship you,Cariño.”

I snort a laugh, swiping his hand away and rolling my eyes.

But then he drops to his knees in front of me, tucking his thumbs beneath the hem of my dress and shoving it up my thighs. "Bet."

“What are you doing?!” I hiss in alarm, trying to slap his hands away.

He doesn’t relent, though. He pushes my dress all the way up to my waist, dragging his callused palms back down my thighs and leaning in to press his lips against my skin. “I think you know,” he croons, sliding a hand between my legs to urge them apart.

“Javi, stop!” I whisper-shout, my throat tightening in panic as he trails kisses closer to the apex of my thighs. “That’s not… I’ve never…”

“What?” he questions, jerking back in surprise and squinting up at me. “You mean no man has ever tasted you?”

I shake my head, my cheeks burning with humiliation.

It’s not that I’m against the act, it’s just far too intimate. I’ve never been comfortable enough with someone to try it. But now Javi’s on his knees before me, the look in his eyes practically begging for permission, and before I can second-guess or overthink it, I nod my consent.

He licks his lips, a growl rumbling in his chest. “Lucky me.”
