Page 63 of Savage Alpha

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I get in the zone as I keep moving through the images, selecting the clearest pictures of the strangers’ faces to save for the purpose of running them through the facial recognition database later. Before I know it, an hour has passed and I’m over halfway through the images saved to the file, about twenty clear face shots sitting in my new folder.

When I click to open the next photo, though, my stomach takes a dive.

Because it’s Javi and another girl.

He’s got his arm slung around her shoulders with a big, goofy smile on his face, and she’s so damn beautiful that I want to cry.

Blonde hair and big boobs.

She’s got ‘em both. And sure, the rational thing would be to conclude that this is just a friend of Javi’s- possibly even his best friend that he spoke of- but then I click to the next photo and my heart plummets, because I’m pretty sure me and my guy friends never look likethatwhen we’re just hanging out.

Javi’s got his arms wrapped around her waist from behind, arching back to lift her off the ground as she kicks her legs out in front of her. I can practically hear the way they’re laughing from the joyful expressions on their faces, and I swear I feel my heart cracking in two as I stare at the photo in dumbfounded shock.

The two of them lookclose.

Too close for friendship.

And for someone who’s known for being a smart girl, I’ve never felt more stupid.

“It’s a shame your girl couldn’t make it,” Madd comments as Javi takes a stool on the opposite side of the table from me in the Goldenleaf bar, flickering a glance my way.

“Yeah, she wasn’t feeling well,” he replies apologetically.

I barely conceal my sarcastic snort, though I suppose his statement isn’t a complete lie. I’mnotfeeling well, not atall. I’ve been losing my mind since I found that picture of him with the gorgeous blonde, torturing myself by saving it to my phone so I can look at it over and over again.

At first, I was heartbroken. Then I was confused. Now, I’m just angry- so damnangrythat I can hardly see straight. Because I let my guard down, I took a chance on trusting him, and he played me for a fool.

My wolf has been close to the surface ever since I laid eyes on that picture, only ramping up my agitation. She’s protecting me the only way she knows how- by channeling all my energy into outrage and indignation, sending all sense of rationality flying out the window.

I feel like a hollow shell of myself, completely overtaken by the emotions swirling within. This is all uncharted territory for me, but I’m navigating it the best I can, given the circumstances.

“Aw, I was really looking forward to meeting her,” Sloane pouts, sipping her vodka tonic.

“Another time, for sure,” Javi replies smoothly, and I can’t help but notice how relaxed he seems and how easily the lie rolls off his tongue.

Or maybe it isn’t even a lie. For all I know, he’s not talking about me right now, but abouther, the blonde from the photos whose face is now seared into my memory.

It’s too much to sit here across from him and pretend my world isn’t imploding.

“I’m gonna grab a drink,” I say, sliding off my barstool and casting a quick glance around the table. “Anyone need anything?”

Nobody speaks up, so I turn away, heels clicking against the floor as I flee to the bar. It feels like there’s a dark cloud hanging over my head, and even putting distance between Javi and myself does nothing to lessen its presence.

Approaching the side of the bar, I find an opening to shoulder my way in, resting my forearms atop the slick wooden surface. The bartender is busy with another customer, and I drum my fingernails against the counter anxiously as I wait for him to come over.

“Hey, Lo.”

I turn toward the sound of the voice to see a male squad member posted up at the bar beside me. “Hey,” I say back, forcing a smile to my lips. He looks familiar, but I can’t remember his name for the life of me.

“Rex,” he provides, a charming grin sliding across his face.

“That’s right. Sorry.”

“No worries,” he replies with a shrug, shifting a little closer. “How’s your night going?”

“Could be better,” I mumble, casting a sideways glance toward the still busy bartender.

“Oh yeah?” Rex wets his lips with his tongue, brushing his hand against mine as he gives me an appreciative once-over. “Have a drink with me, maybe I can turn it around.”
