Page 73 of Savage Alpha

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His filthy words spur me on, and I lean back, covering his hands with mine as I grind my hips down over him with wild abandon, chasing the orgasm I feel building deep inside my core. He angles his hips just right, and the friction of his pelvis against my clit sends me careening over the edge in ten seconds flat.

I scream out in pleasure as I ride the wave of bliss, Javi’s hands dropping to my hips to hold me in place as he thrusts up, grunting out his own release. We’re both sweaty and breathless as I collapse on top of his chest with him still inside me, sated and spent.

The two of us stay in that bed for hours.

We cuddle, we kiss, and we fuck some more.

And when we finally gather ourselves to leave, I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him hard, pouring all my emotions into it. Because some part of me knows it’s our last.


It isn’t like Lo to not answer her phone. She always responds to my ‘good morning’ text, is usually reliable for some midday banter, and I always look forward to her reaction to the daily song I send her.

Sometimes, she’s busy with work and just sends a quick reply. Other times, she snaps a pic- my favorite types of responses to receive. But yesterday…nothing.

Not a single text.

I’ve opened up our message thread so many times to check for a reply that I’ve damn near memorized the string of unanswered texts I’ve sent her.

Javi:Good morning, beautiful.

Javi:Busy day today?

Javi:Your song of the day, mi amor

Javi:[Spotify Link: Angel by Jack Johnson]

Javi:You must be busy. Will I see you at the cabin tonight?

Javi:Is everything okay?

I’ve tried calling, too. She hasn’t picked up. And rather than going out of my mind, I decided to do something about it when I woke up this morning, reaching out to Maddox and suggesting another workout session.

I mean, I don’t want to jump to conclusions here. The most likely explanation is that something’s going on with her phone, right? If Lo was hurt or in trouble, the guys wouldn’t agree to me coming over for a workout like it’s just any other day. And the last time Lo and I saw each other, I gave her multiple orgasms, not a reason to ignore my calls and texts.

Technology is the likely culprit, but you’d think since my girl is a tech whiz, she’d find some way to at least let me know she’s okay. Being unable to reach her has been driving both me and my wolf crazy.

“Damn, Javi, you’re a beast,” Ares comments as I mop sweat from my brow off on a towel, adjusting the strap of my gym bag on my shoulder with the other hand.

I poured all my frustration into this workout today. Unlike last time, I didn’t hold back, and these guys definitely noticed.


“Maybe we can spar next time, huh?” Iver suggests, clapping a hand down on my shoulder.

The blue of his eyes is so similar to Lo’s. I can barely hold eye contact with the guy for a second before looking away, raking a hand through my sweat damp hair with a non-committal shrug. “Sure, I’d be down.”

It was sloppy of me to go full-bore on the weights today and let these guys see the full extent of what I’m physically capable of. I can practically see the wheels turning in their heads as they size me up, re-assessing now that I’ve showed my hand.

It’s not like me to be so careless.

“I can walk you out,” Madd says, grabbing his gym bag off the bench and turning to face me, his own sweaty hair clinging to his forehead.

He went hard on the weights today, too, like he had something to prove. Like he was intent on showing me that we’re evenly matched.

“Are the girls around?” I ask casually, shoving my towel into the duffel at my hip. “Figure I should say hi since I’m here.”

Maddox pauses, a hint of suspicion flickering in his gaze that makes me regret asking. Then again, the reason I reached out about a workout in the first place was because I hoped I’d run into Lo up here at the complex and get to the bottom of our sudden lapse in communication, so I couldn’t leave without shooting my shot. Even if it comes back to bite us both in the end.
