Page 93 of Savage Alpha

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“And we don’t want to split them up around the whole territory,” Reid adds. “We thought the old ski resort could be a decent spot for now, and we’ll all lend some of our pack members with construction experience to help get their own territory established.”

“Your brother said there’s a good spot to build south of Westfield,” Theo chimes in.

“So wait… you were gonna let him stay all along?” Lo asks incredulously, blonde hair swishing around her face as she swings her head back and forth to take in all their smug expressions. “Then why was I being detained in the kitchen?”

“Because you just went through a lot,” Iver mutters, frowning at his sister. “You could’vediedtoday, Lo. You don’t need any more stress, you need rest.”

My mate shakes her head in disbelief as she sidesteps closer to me, gripping onto my arm with her other hand. “And keeping me from Javi?”

“Well I’m still not thrilled about this whole thing,” Iver grumbles, slumping back against the sofa.

As if on cue, Sloane suddenly emerges from the kitchen, striding into the room and asking, “What’d I miss?”

Iver whips his head in her direction, pointing a finger at her accusingly. “Youwere supposed to make sure she stayed put!”

“Easy,” Madd growls, shooting Iver a warning glare.

Sloane just smiles as she steps around the couch, dropping down into the spot beside Madd. “She had to go to the bathroom,” she shrugs innocently, but I don’t miss the conspiratorial glance that she shares with Lo as she says it.

Maybe I’ve got more fans here than I thought.

Madd slings an arm around Sloane’s shoulders, lifting his chin as his eyes meet mine. “So Javi, are you in?” he asks, and it isn’t until that moment that I realize I’ve just been standing here mutely since Lo and I walked in.

I guess I’m just… speechless. These are the people I was raised to think were monsters, yet here they are, accepting me into their community with seemingly open arms. It all feels a little too good to be true. Too easy.

They’re all looking to me expectantly, awaiting my answer, and I turn my head to glance down at Lo, a smile pulling at the corners of my lips as I meet her sparkling blue eyes. I may be a little waryabout this olive branch, but I’m sure abouther. If this is how I get to keep her, then the answer’s a no-brainer.

“Fuck yeah, I’m in,” I say, my gaze still locked with my girl’s, and she beams a smile at me so bright that I practically need shades.

“Alright, seven-pack it is!” Ares announces, clapping his hands and rubbing his palms together.

“Yeah, we’re not doing that,” Theo mutters.

Ares turns to him, wide-eyed. “Why not?”

“Because we’ve been the six-pack for over thirty years now,” he reasons. “We don’t need to change our name every time we bring another pack into the alliance.”

“Let’s just put a pin in that topic of conversation,” Chase sighs, pushing up from the couch and easing to his feet. He strides over to me, extending a hand. “Welcome to the council, Javi.”

I slap my palm in his and give it a firm shake, holding eye contact. “Thank you. I promise I won’t make you guys regret this.”

“Damn right you won’t,” Maddox interjects, and I glance past Chase to see the corner of his mouth lifting in a smirk. “We haven’t gotten the chance to spar yet, but when we do, you’re goin’ down, Cruz.”

I chuckle lowly, shaking my head. “Keep telling yourself that, Kessler.”

Chase moves beside me, clapping me on the back. “C’mon, have a seat. We need to discuss details.”

Lo and I follow him over to the couches, claiming one that’s unoccupied and sinking down into the cushions.

“Any interest in joining the squad?” Tristan asks as soon as we’re settled in. “We could use your experience to give us an edge since you’ve had prior run-ins with the hunters.”

“Do you think she really tipped them off?” Archer questions, swiping a hand over his chin.

My chest squeezes painfully at the mention of my mother. Since they brought me to this packhouse, I’ve been trying to block what happened at the motel out of my mind. I don’t want to recall the venomous words she aimed at me; don’t want to remember the sight of her blood pooling beneath her on the pavement. I shouldn’t mourn her, after everything she’s done, but I still feel the hollow ache in my chest just the same.

“Yeah,” I rasp, my somber gaze meeting Archer’s. “I wouldn’t put it past her. We need to prepare ourselves.”

“About your mother’s body,” Reid murmurs quietly. “Did you want to bury her, or…?”
