Page 98 of Savage Alpha

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“Why not? Seemed like you enjoyed it.” I lick my lips, grinning like a cat as I rake my gaze down her body. “I know I did.”

She rolls her eyes, swatting at my chest with the back of a hand. “Of course I enjoyed it,” she mutters, blushing furiously. “But as soon as my family walks in here, they’re going to get one whiff of the place and know exactly what we got up to while waiting for this lasagna to cook.”

“Maybe we should light a candle or something?” I suggest with a shrug.

She sighs, pushing away from the table and strutting into the kitchen to hunt for candles and another napkin to replace the one we soiled.

After what we just did, I’m completely relaxed and content, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be internally panicking again as soon as the afterglow tapers off. Because even though I’m trying to be cool about all this, Idowant to impress Lo’s family. I want them to accept me; to welcome me in so I can finally become part of a big, loving family like I always wanted. Especially since I don’t have any family of my own anymore.

I try not to dwell on that as I head over to the oven to get a peek at the progress of the lasagna, channeling all my focus into mentally prepping myself for tonight. Eventually, I’ll allow myself to grieve the loss of my mother, but tonight, I need to look to the future. To the life I want to have with my mate; one full of infinite possibility.

And that starts with winning her family over.

I’ll be the first to admit that from an outsider’s perspective, the whole star-crossed, Romeo and Juliet thing we have going on probably throws up more than a few red flags. It’s understandable if her parents have some reservations about our mating. But things will be a whole lot smoother for us going forward if we have the support of the people most important to us, and for Lo, that’s her family.

No pressure, right?

During our long talk last night, we agreed that we’d be completely transparent and honest with one another going forward. I promised Lo that I’d be myself around her family tonight- not the chameleon that reads people and projects what they want to see, but justme. And I don’t know why the thought of that freaks me out so much.

Lo lights notone, butthreedifferent scented candles to place strategically around the room, and by the time her brother Iver arrives, I’m starting to get a headache from the competing scents that each candle gives off. It’s enough to cover up what we just did in here, though, because he doesn’t so much as bat an eye or dart a suspicious glance between us as he posts up against the kitchen counter, making small talk as we wait for the others to arrive.

Iver is still a little standoffish around me, and I guess that’s to be expected. I should probably take the guy out for a beer so I can explain things to him and smooth things over, but just as I’m about to ask if he’d be up for that, the person I’m most nervous to meet walks through the front door.

Lo’s dad.

He looks younger than I expected him to, and definitely more fit. Even in retirement, he’s clearly made a point of keeping up his gym routine. His bulky physique isn’t what intimidates me, though- it’s the look in his eyes when they meet mine; eyes that are so similar to my own mate’s that they give me pause.

He strides directly over to me, those suspicious eyes sizing me up the whole way. Then he sticks out a hand, his face deadpan as he says, “So you’re the guy who put my daughter in danger.”

“That’s me,” I admit, slapping my palm in his as I maintain eye contact. “And I’m also the one who’ll make sure she’s never put in that kind of danger again. I’ll guard her life with my own.”

He just stares at me for a long moment, not letting go of my hand. I keep my grip on his firm, and for a few uncomfortable seconds it’s like we’re playing a weird game of handshake chicken, until finally, he breaks the mounting tension with a nod of approval.

“Good,” he quips, his lips turning up in the faintest smile of amusement. “I’m Jax.”


He relinquishes his grip and pulls his hand back right as Lo comes up beside me to join us. She steps in close, Jax’s discerning gaze sliding down to clock every point of contact between our bodies.

“You gonna do right by my daughter, Javi?” he murmurs as his eyes ping back up to meet my own.

“Dad,” Lo groans exasperatedly.

Quinn elbows Jax in the ribs as she takes her place by his side, shooting him a stern look. “Behave,” she admonishes, then she turns to me, beaming a bright smile. “So nice to see you again, Javi.”

Lo may favor her dad when it comes to her eye and hair color, but she’s definitely got her mom’s smile.

“Likewise,” I say, tipping my head in greeting.

Quinn gestures back toward the door. “This is Tanner…” She trails off, glancing over her shoulder in search of her other son. “Damnit, where’d he go?”

I sweep my gaze around the room until it settles on a dark-haired teenager slumped into a chair at the table, totally engrossed in his phone.

“Tanner!” Quinn snaps in irritation when she spots him. “Get off your phone and come meet your sister’s mate!”

He lifts his head with a sigh, shoving up from the chair and stuffing his phone into his jeans pocket. Lo’s youngest brother has his mom’s coloring, but his dad’s distinctive jawline and features. He actually looks a lot like Iver, just with darker hair and olive skin.

“Hey,” he grunts after stomping over, lifting his chin.

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