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In the weeks leading up to giving birth, he got progressively more anxious. The day I went into labor, I’m pretty sure he hyperventilated for a good thirty minutes.

But when our children were born, Stellan had never looked so happy before.

The oracle was right—one boy and one girl. Our son, with his vibrant purple eyes, has strong elf magic, but he’s equally as strong with dragon shifter magic. And our daughter, who got Stellan’s blue-green eyes, is equal parts fae and elf. She doesn’t have even a hint of dragon shifter magic in her.

The council is, of course, overjoyed by our son’s birth. And even though our twins are only six months old, they’re already asking when we’re going to have more children.

Last week, Natalia announced that she is pregnant with her second child. I’m so happy for her because we didn’t know for sure if she would be able to have another kid. She’s overjoyed, as is Dove.

Dove is the best mother-in-law that I could ask for. She babysits anytime I ask and she never complains about it. She’s always offering to help with anything that needs to be done.

Evander also helps babysit some. Despite my earlier reservations, he’s really good with them. He’s a good uncle.

Cypress has been to visit a few times, and he is spending the summer with us again this year. I love having my little brother around, and I know he enjoys taking a break from fae court.

Last week, we went to Grandfather’s castle. We introduced our children to him and all of elven court. They’re happy with my daughter’s magic since it’s clear she is an elf. But I’m nervous that they’ll try the same stunt they pulled on me with her when she’s older. Venali assures me that he won’t let that happen. He’s working on changing the law.

Speaking of changing the law, I am still working on the dragon council. They haven’t approved me joining the council quite yet, but it’s only a matter of time before they change their minds. The vote is nearly split down the middle now. I just need to work on them a little bit more and I believe they’ll cave.

Kellan, our son, makes a noise in his crib. Stellan is at his side before I can even blink, pulling him into his arms.

Our children are so spoiled, but I can’t be mad about it. Stellan is so sweet with them.

Sky makes a noise in her crib, obviously jealous that Kellan is being held. Stellan lifts her with his other armand holds them both. I just shake my head at him. He smirks at me, knowing exactly what I’m thinking.

I walk over to him, holding out my hands to take Kellan. He passes him over and then he bends over to kiss me on the lips. It’s a quick kiss because as soon as he hands Kellan over, he starts screaming.

He’s hungry.


Kellan may be only six months old, but he has a large appetite. I swear, he eats double what his twin sister does.

“Shifters eat a lot, remember,” Stellan reminds me.

I shake my head at him and go to make Kellan a bottle.

This life is nothing like the one I imagined I would have, and I couldn’t be happier about it. This is where I belong. With Stellan. With the dragons.

As I’m making a bottle for Kellan, Stellan walks into our kitchen. He cocks his head to the side as he looks at me, narrowing his eyes.

“What is it?” I ask, knowing that he’s listening for something.

He grins and bends over. I wonder what he’s doing when he puts his ear up to my stomach and listens carefully. He used to do that all the time when I was pregnant with the twins.

My heart speeds up as I realize what he’s doing. “Am I pregnant?”

He looks up at me, a grin on his face. “Yeah.”

I swallow hard, not knowing what to think of that. Our kids are only six months old. They won’t even be two when their sibling is born. How am I going to handle having three kids under the age of two?

My eyes widen as I wonder…

“Not twins, right?”

He chuckles, shaking his head. “Just one.”

I sigh in relief as I put Kellan’s bottle in his mouth. He instantly calms down.

“I still blame you,” I tell him, as I make my way into the living room.

He just smirks, taking a seat beside me on the couch. “It’s not my fault you find me so irresistible.”

I roll my eyes at him, but he’s not wrong. I am very attracted to my husband.

Our life is chaotic, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. I’m happier than I ever thought possible.

Stellan and I may not be soulmates in the traditional sense, but fate couldn’t have chosen better for me. What we have is the stuff fairytales are made of.

The end.
