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“Yeah. It was his favorite and had sentimental value.” Maddox sighs, turning the ring over in his hands. “This not only looks real, but antique, too.”

“Really?” My interest piques. I wander over and take the ring from his hand. “I mean, it’s too gaudy. But it’s cool, and I’ve definitely never seen it before. It’s not Grams’s wedding ringbecause that was a diamond, and she gave it to my mother when she and my dad were thinking of getting engaged.”

“I can take this to my jeweler friend and have him do an appraisal. He’ll give me a great deal—maybe he’ll even do it for free because of the money my dad’s spent with him.”

I clasp my hands, my stomach fluttering excitedly. “I can’t really turn down an offer that good.” But I swallow hard when he puts it in his jacket pocket.

I hope he treats it better than he did his dad’s nice chain necklace.

His phone buzzes, and he checks it. He quickly clicks it off and pockets it.

At the speed he put his phone away, it makes me curious, but it’s definitely not my place to ask.

I hate that I want to.

It feels surreal entering Maddox’s open-concept modern architectural home, which is near his dad’s. It’s basically a glass box with wooden-paneled additions, which looks beyond cool with a rooftop patio and sharp edges.

We bring the dog into the open-concept kitchen and a woman is here, polishing the place pristine.

“Thanks so much, Marissa.” Maddox holds out a wad of cash. “Have a nice night.”

“Thank you so much, Mr. Winter.” She smiles at him before turning to me. “Hello.”

“Hi. I’m Riley.” I return the smile. “Nice to meet you, Marissa.”

Her eyes light up. “Oh! I love Detective Lexi Bryce! You are so wonderful.”

“Oh, wow, thank you.” I have to be glowing. I’m used to people complimenting Maddox, not me. “I’m so glad you’re a fan.”

”Abigfan.“ She winks at me as she grabs her purse and keys. “I hope to see you again.”

“Me too.” I give her a wave. When she’s gone, I glance out the back patio doors to see a pool with several waterfalls outside. I’d love to go for a dip, but not tonight.

When Farmer paws the patio door, I say, “I think he wants out.”

“Go ahead.”

Outside, I walk with him as he pads around the backyard of fountains, trees, bright green grass, and landscaping that could almost compete with The Botanical Gardens. Farmer wanders, sniffing all the foliage in this private oasis. “An upgrade from where you were?” I say, smiling.

From the patio, Maddox calls out, “Why don’t I fire up the grill? We can eat out here.”

“Not gonna argue with that.”

A few minutes later, Maddox hands me a glass of red wine before he takes some steaks and vegetables to the grill, which he seems quite proficient at. Sipping the rich, full-bodied Merlot, I let Farmer wander and sniff as much as he can given his limp. When the food is out, we give him some steak of his own because we put the antibiotics in it. Also, he’s earned it.

Maddox laughs. “Look at that little guy go.”

My lips curve. Farmer is going in on that steak like it’s the first and last piece of food he’s ever going to get, and in his mind, it probably is.

We sit at Maddox’s teak fire pit set, and the low flame is more for atmosphere than heat on this warm summer evening. I take a bite of the steak, which is cooked to perfection. “You really know your way around a grill.”

“It was a bit of a rebellion on my part. Having a vegan father, I had to learn how to grill an amazing steak.”

“As far as rebellions go, it’s not a bad one to have.” That’s an understatement. It might be the best one ever.

Maddox’s phone buzzes, and he checks it, groans, and puts it back down.
